7 Instances of Jesus Showing Kindness

Have you ever wondered how Jesus demonstrated his kindness through his actions?

In a world that often emphasizes power and dominance, Jesus set a powerful example of compassion and humility.

From washing the feet of his disciples to forgiving those who crucified him, Jesus’ acts of kindness challenge our beliefs and inspire us to embrace a life of compassion and love.

Throughout history, stories of Jesushumbling acts have left a lasting impression on individuals from all walks of life. His transformative acts bear testament to his unwavering commitment to showing kindness even in the face of adversity.

In this article, we will explore seven instances where Jesus displayed extraordinary kindness, each revealing a profound lesson for us to learn.

Are you ready to discover the remarkable instances of Jesus’ kindness that will inspire and challenge you? Let’s delve into his acts of compassion and embrace the power of kindness together.

Washing His Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17)

In an unparalleled act of humility, Jesus exemplified kindness through service by washing the feet of his disciples. This powerful moment is recounted in the Gospel of John, Chapter 13, Verses 1-17.

As Jesus and his disciples gathered for the Passover meal, he took on the role of a servant and performed an extraordinary act of kindness. In those times, washing feet was a common practice, as people would walk long distances on dusty roads, wearing sandals. However, it was typically the duty of a household servant or slave.

In this remarkable display of love and compassion, Jesus set aside his status as their teacher and leader and took on the humble role of a servant. He knelt before each of his disciples and washed their feet, cleansing them from the dirt and grime they had accumulated during their journey.

This act, seemingly simple in nature, carries profound symbolism. It serves as a powerful metaphor for the kind of selfless love and service that Jesus embodied throughout his ministry. By performing this act of kindness, Jesus demonstrated that no task is beneath us when it comes to serving others.

This act of washing his disciples’ feet not only served to physically cleanse them but also conveyed a deeper message. It taught his disciples the importance of humility and the need to serve one another with kindness and love.

“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” – John 13:14-15

Jesus’ act of washing feet goes beyond an act of hygiene. It represents his desire for his disciples to serve one another and to approach relationships and interactions with humility and kindness.

Through this act, Jesus challenges us to examine our own lives and consider how we can embody his example of kindness through service. It teaches us that true greatness lies not in positions of power or authority, but in our willingness to love and serve those around us.

Key Lessons
1. Humility: Jesus humbled himself to the role of a servant, showing the importance of setting aside our ego and pride to serve others.
2. Kindness through Service: Jesus demonstrated that acts of kindness, no matter how simple or menial, can have a profound impact on the lives of others.
3. Leading by Example: Jesus showed his disciples that true leadership entails serving others and setting an example of selflessness.

Letting Children Come to Him (Mark 10:13-16)

When the disciples rebuked children who came to Jesus, he welcomed them with kindness, recognizing their importance in the kingdom of God. This section will explore Jesus’ heart for children and the valuable lessons we can learn from his kind actions.

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Mark 10:14

In a society where children were often overlooked and undervalued, Jesus defied societal norms by embracing them. He recognized their innocence, purity, and sincere faith, declaring that the kingdom of God belongs to those with a childlike heart.

Jesus’ actions serve as a reminder of the importance of welcoming children into our lives and communities. The acceptance and love Jesus extended to the children reflect the core values of the kingdom of God – compassion, inclusivity, and genuine care for others.

Jesus saw beyond the stature of children and understood their potential to impact the world. He valued their curiosity, vulnerability, and open hearts, teaching us the power of embracing childlike qualities in our own lives.

Just as Jesus welcomed children, we are called to create an environment where they feel loved, valued, and nurtured. By providing a safe and supportive space, we can foster their spiritual growth and development, equipping them to positively impact the world around them.

Including children in our communities and allowing them to participate fully in religious activities enables them to experience the unconditional love of Jesus and lays a foundation for their lifelong faith journey.

Jesus Welcoming Children

In the spirit of Jesus’ welcome to children, let us remember to approach others with the same kindness and inclusivity. May we strive to embrace a childlike perspective, recognizing the inherent worth and potential in every individual, regardless of age or status.

Lessons from Jesus’ Kindness towards Children

  • Recognize the importance of children: Jesus valued children and affirmed their significance in the kingdom of God. We should follow his example by acknowledging and appreciating the unique contributions they bring to our lives and communities.
  • Cultivate a childlike heart: Embracing childlike qualities such as innocence, curiosity, and trust can help us experience a deeper connection with God and others. Let us approach life with wonder, openness, and a willingness to learn.
  • Build inclusive communities: Jesus’ welcome of children teaches us to create spaces where everyone feels accepted and loved, regardless of age or background. Inclusion means actively seeking and valuing the participation of all members, especially the marginalized.
  • Inspire and empower: Just as Jesus recognized the potential in children, we have a responsibility to empower them to make a positive impact in the world. Encourage their gifts, provide guidance, and offer opportunities for them to develop their faith and talents.
Lessons from Jesus’ Kindness towards Children 
Recognize the importance of children

Cultivate a childlike heartCultivate a childlike heart
Build inclusive communitiesBuild inclusive communities
Inspire and empowerInspire and empower

Forgiving an Adulterous Woman (John 8:2-11)

Despite the law stating that the adulterous woman should be stoned, Jesus showed unexpected kindness by sparing her life and offering forgiveness. This profound act of forgiveness showcases Jesus’ compassion and challenges societal norms.

“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” – Jesus (John 8:7)

In the Gospel of John, we encounter a poignant story of Jesus encountering an adulterous woman who was brought before him by the scribes and Pharisees. The words he spoke to those who were ready to execute her echo a powerful message of mercy and forgiveness.

Jesus’ response to the accusation against her not only protected her from harm but also exposed the hypocrisy and self-righteousness of her accusers. Rather than condemning her, Jesus redirected their attention to the sin that resides in all of us, reminding them of their own imperfections.

By forgiving the woman, Jesus demonstrated the transformative power of kindness and love. He showed us that no sin is beyond forgiveness and that everyone deserves a second chance. Jesus saw beyond the woman’s actions and recognized her inherent worth as a human being.

Throughout the Bible, forgiveness is a recurring theme, and Jesus’ act of forgiving this adulterous woman serves as a powerful example of his message of redemption and grace. It challenges us to examine our own hearts and extend kindness and forgiveness to those who may not deserve it in our eyes.

Let us remember Jesus’ unexpected kindness in this situation and strive to emulate his example in our own lives. We can choose to forgive and show compassion, even in the face of injustice and societal norms that urge us to condemn. Through forgiveness, we can create a world filled with love, understanding, and second chances.

Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman
Key TakeawaysVerse Reference
Jesus forgave an adulterous woman who was about to be stonedJohn 8:2-11
Jesus challenged the hypocrisy of her accusersJohn 8:7-9
Jesus’ act of forgiveness highlights his message of redemption and graceJohn 8:10-11
We are reminded to extend forgiveness and kindness, regardless of societal normsJohn 8:7

Healing Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

Jesus exhibited boundless kindness by healing ten lepers, showcasing his immense compassion and miraculous power. In this transformative act, Jesus not only healed their physical afflictions but also demonstrated his unwavering love for all. Although only one leper returned to express gratitude, this remarkable event holds valuable lessons about appreciation and faith that continue to resonate today.

As depicted in Luke 17:11-19, Jesus encountered ten lepers who cried out to him from a distance, seeking healing. Moved by their distress, Jesus instructed them to go and present themselves to the priests. In an incredible display of trust, the lepers obeyed Jesus’ words and began their journey to the priests to be declared clean.

On their way, an extraordinary miracle occurred – they were completely cured of their leprosy. Imagine the elation and astonishment they must have felt as their bodies were restored to health. Yet, despite this incredible transformation, only one leper, a Samaritan, returned to Jesus, falling at his feet and expressing heartfelt gratitude for the healing.

“Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” – Luke 17:17-18

This powerful moment serves as a reminder to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and appreciation in our lives. The one leper who returned recognized the incredible gift he had received and acknowledged Jesus’ authority and divine power.

The healing of the ten lepers also highlights the essential role of faith in experiencing the miracles of God. Each leper undoubtedly approached Jesus with faith, believing in his ability to heal their afflictions. Their faith became the catalyst for their transformation, making them receptive to the miraculous restoration they received.

Just as Jesus extended his kind and healing touch to the lepers, he continues to offer compassion and love to all who seek him. This remarkable event illustrates the limitless nature of Jesus’ kindness and his unwavering desire to bring healing and restoration into the lives of those in need.

The Lesson of Gratitude

In our fast-paced and sometimes chaotic lives, it can be easy to overlook moments of gratitude. Yet, as demonstrated by the leper who returned to give thanks, expressing gratitude not only honors the giver but also cultivates a humble and thankful heart within us.

Jesu’s healing of the ten lepers challenges us to reflect on how we respond to the blessings and miracles we receive. Do we pause to acknowledge and express gratitude for the kindness we encounter? Are we actively seeking opportunities to show appreciation to God and others?

Recognizing and giving thanks for the goodness in our lives not only helps us maintain a positive mindset but also deepens our connection with God and those around us. When we cultivate an attitude of gratitude, it has a ripple effect, spreading joy, kindness, and positivity to those we encounter.

Anchoring Faith

Amid the challenges and uncertainties of life, faith anchors us and provides a steadfast foundation. The healing of the ten lepers magnifies the importance of maintaining unwavering faith in Jesus’ ability to bring about transformation and restoration.

Just as the lepers approached Jesus with faith, we are called to place our trust in him, believing that he can heal our brokenness and bring wholeness to our lives. When our faith is anchored in Jesus, we can experience firsthand the miracles that flow from his boundless love and compassion.

Jesus’ kindness in healing the ten lepers invites us to reflect on our own lives and the role gratitude and faith play in our relationship with him.

May we strive to embrace a spirit of gratitude, expressing appreciation for the countless blessings we receive. And may our faith in Jesus’ transformative power be unyielding, allowing us to step into a life of hope, healing, and joy.

Jesus healing lepers
Key PointsLessons Learned
Jesus healed ten lepers, demonstrating his kindness and compassion.Expressing gratitude honors the giver and cultivates a humble and thankful heart.
Only one leper returned to give thanks, highlighting the importance of gratitude.Unyielding faith in Jesus’ transformative power enables us to experience miracles.
Jesu’s limitless kindness invites us to reflect on our own lives and the role gratitude and faith play in our relationship with him.Cultivating gratitude and anchoring our faith in Jesus brings hope, healing, and joy.

Weeping with Mary and Martha (John 11:1-44)

When Jesus saw Mary and Martha grieving over the death of Lazarus, he was moved by compassion and wept with them. This act of empathy demonstrated Jesus’ deep understanding of human emotions and his ability to connect with others on a profound level.

Jesus’ tears revealed not only his compassion but also the depth of his love for his friends. He mourned alongside Mary and Martha, sharing in their pain and sorrow. In that moment, Jesus showed us the importance of being present for one another in times of grief, offering comfort and solace.

“Jesus wept.” – John 11:35

Through his tears, Jesus reminded us of the power of empathy and the significance of showing kindness to those who are hurting. He taught us that true compassion goes beyond mere sympathy, but requires genuine care and understanding.

When we encounter others who are grieving, whether it be the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship, or any other form of pain, Jesus’ example compels us to respond with empathy and kindness. By weeping with those who weep, we can provide a source of comfort and reassurance.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” – Romans 12:15

Jesus’ Compassion: A Table of Kindness

Washing His Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17)Jesus humbled himself to the role of a servant, exemplifying kindness through service.
Letting Children Come to Him (Mark 10:13-16)Jesus welcomed children, showing compassion and highlighting the importance of childlike faith.
Forgiving an Adulterous Woman (John 8:2-11)Jesus extended unexpected kindness and forgiveness to an adulterous woman, revealing the depth of his love.
Healing Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)Jesus demonstrated compassion by healing ten lepers, emphasizing the gratitude and faith manifested in one’s response.
Weeping with Mary and Martha (John 11:1-44)Jesus showed empathy by weeping with Mary and Martha, illustrating the importance of understanding and supporting others in times of grief.
Forgiving Those Who Crucified Him (Luke 23:34)Jesus forgave those who crucified him, displaying supreme kindness towards even the most undeserving sinners.

Jesus’ acts of kindness and empathy continue to inspire us today. They challenge us to examine our own hearts and strive to emulate his example of compassionate love. By reflecting his character in our interactions with others, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us.

Jesus weeping

How Does Jesus’ Kindness Compare to God’s Kindness in Judgment?

Many believe that Jesus’ kindness pales in comparison to examples of God’s kindness in judgment. While Jesus embodies love and forgiveness, God’s kindness is also evident in His patience and mercy towards humanity. Both Jesus and God offer grace and salvation to those who seek redemption.

Forgiving Those Who Crucified Him (Luke 23:34)

In an extraordinary act of supreme kindness, Jesus, even while enduring the agony of crucifixion, expressed forgiveness towards those who played a part in His suffering.

As He hung on the cross, Jesus uttered the profound words, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). This act of forgiveness towards His crucifiers showcases the depth of Jesus’ love and compassion for all, even those who committed the gravest of sins.

Jesus’ forgiveness reveals His unwavering commitment to reaching out to undeserving sinners, offering them a chance to experience redemption and reconciliation.

It demonstrates His divine nature, encompassing boundless mercy and grace. Instead of harboring resentment or seeking vengeance, Jesus exemplified the highest form of kindness by extending forgiveness to those who had wronged Him.

In this act of forgiving His crucifiers, Jesus invites each of us to examine our own hearts and follow His example. He challenges us to embrace the transformative power of forgiveness, to let go of grudges, and to extend compassion even to those who may seem undeserving.

By emulating Jesus’ supreme kindness, we can experience a deep sense of peace and contribute to healing our broken world.