Word of Knowledge: 10 Biblical Examples Explained

Have you ever wondered how divine insight can shape events and impact the lives of individuals?

In the Bible, there are numerous instances where God imparts supernatural knowledge known as the word of knowledge. These profound examples showcase the extraordinary power of divine revelation and its influence on biblical figures and their destinies.

In this article, we will explore ten captivating examples of the word of knowledge in the Bible. From Jesus‘ revealing encounters to prophetic dreams and predictions, these biblical occurrences will leave you in awe of the divine insight bestowed upon chosen individuals.

Prepare to witness the extraordinary wisdom and understanding that transcend human comprehension. Discover the divine insight that shaped the destinies of kings, prophets, and ordinary individuals.

Are you ready to unlock the mysteries of the word of knowledge in the Bible? Let’s delve into these remarkable stories together.

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Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:16-19)

In this passage, Jesus demonstrates the word of knowledge by revealing intimate details about the Samaritan woman’s life, including her past marriages. This divine insight leads her to recognize Jesus as a prophet.

“Jesus said to her, ‘Go, call your husband, and come here.’ The woman answered him, ‘I have no husband.’ Jesus said to her, ‘You are right in saying, “I have no husband”; for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.'”

– John 4:16-19

The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman is a profound example of the word of knowledge. Jesus, being aware of the woman’s past marriages, reveals this information even though it had not been explicitly shared. His supernatural understanding of her life astonishes the woman and piques her curiosity, leading her to see Jesus as a figure endowed with divine knowledge.

The Samaritan woman’s response to Jesus’ revelation highlights his prophetic nature. Recognizing the divine insight he possesses, she acknowledges him as a prophet and engages in a deeper conversation about spiritual matters. Through Jesus’ demonstration of the word of knowledge, the Samaritan woman experiences a transformative encounter that leads her to faith.

The Impact of the Word of Knowledge

This exchange goes beyond the mere revelation of personal information; it serves as a catalyst for spiritual transformation. By revealing intimate details about the Samaritan woman’s life, Jesus demonstrates his divine authority and offers her the opportunity for redemption. The word of knowledge displayed in this encounter fulfills the prophetic role Jesus plays in bringing salvation to all.

The Samaritan woman’s recognition of Jesus as a prophet reveals the power and significance of the word of knowledge. This divine insight not only impacts the individual receiving the revelation but also serves as evidence of God’s presence and truth. Through this encounter, Jesus establishes himself as more than just a teacher or healer but as the embodiment of God’s divine wisdom and understanding.

Divine Insight and the Prophetic Tradition

This interaction aligns with the prophetic tradition of the Old Testament, where prophets often received divine insight and conveyed God’s messages to the people. Jesus’ demonstration of the word of knowledge echoes the prophetic voices that came before him, emphasizing his role as the ultimate fulfillment of the prophetic tradition.

The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman demonstrates the profound impact of the word of knowledge. It not only reveals hidden truths but also serves as a means of drawing people closer to God. Through the revelation of personal details, Jesus reveals his divine nature and invites the Samaritan woman and others to experience the transformative power of faith.

Peter and Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)

Peter, through the Holy Spirit, possesses the word of knowledge and knows that Ananias and Sapphira have lied about their offering to the church. This supernatural understanding exposes their deceitful actions.

“Then Peter said, ‘Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.'” – Acts 5:3-4

By being filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter gains a deep understanding of Ananias and Sapphira’s deceitful actions. Through the word of knowledge, Peter confronts them and exposes the gravity of their sin. This example underscores the power of the word of knowledge in discerning deceit and revealing hidden truths.

Comparison of Ananias and Sapphira’s Actions

Falsely claimed to have given the full proceeds from the sale of their propertyAnanias dropped dead at Peter’s rebuke, and his body was carried out by young men.
Sapphira continued the deceit, affirming their false claimShe also dropped dead at Peter’s rebuke, and her body was carried out and buried next to her husband.

This incident serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of honesty, integrity, and reverence for the Holy Spirit. It showcases the divine insight granted through the word of knowledge, which exposes deceitful actions and ensures righteousness prevails.

Holy Spirit and Deceit

Elisha and Gehazi (2 Kings 5:20-27)

In the story of Elisha and Gehazi, we witness a powerful demonstration of the word of knowledge. Elisha, a prophet of God, possessed divine insight that allowed him to uncover a deceitful act committed by Gehazi, his servant.

Elisha had previously refused gifts from Naaman, a commander of the Syrian army who had been miraculously healed of leprosy. However, Gehazi secretly pursued Naaman and dishonestly obtained the very gifts that Elisha had rejected. Despite being physically absent from the scene, Elisha possessed supernatural knowledge of Gehazi’s actions.

This instance highlights the omnipotence of God’s revelation and the ability of the word of knowledge to penetrate even the most hidden deceit. The divine insight possessed by Elisha serves as a testimony to the power and discernment of God.

Through this story, we are reminded that God sees all and knows all. No deceitful act can escape His notice, and the word of knowledge brings forth truth and exposes falsehoods.

“The deceitful act committed by Gehazi serves as a reminder that honesty and integrity are paramount in our relationship with God and others.”

It is crucial for us to strive for transparency and sincerity in our words and deeds. The story of Elisha and Gehazi serves as a cautionary tale, urging us to live with integrity and to avoid the deceitful acts that lead to spiritual and moral downfall.

Key Takeaways:
Elisha possesses divine insight despite not being physically present.
The word of knowledge exposes Gehazi’s deceitful act.
The story highlights the importance of honesty and integrity.
God’s omniscience is demonstrated through His revelation.

Samuel’s Anointing of David (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

In this passage, God reveals to Samuel through the word of knowledge that David, the youngest son of Jesse, is to be anointed king over Israel. This divine insight bypasses Jesse’s older sons, showing the power of God’s revelation.


As Samuel arrives at Jesse’s house in Bethlehem, he is instructed by God to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the future king of Israel. Jesse presents his seven older sons to Samuel, but God prompts Samuel to reject them all. In 1 Samuel 16:7, the Lord says, “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Finally, Samuel asks if all of Jesse’s sons have been called, and Jesse informs him that there is still one more – the youngest, David, who is out tending the sheep.

When Samuel sees David, the Lord instructs him, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” In obedience, Samuel anoints David with oil in the presence of his brothers to signify the divine selection of David as the future king of Israel. This anointing demonstrates the power of the word of knowledge, as God reveals His chosen leader despite societal expectations and human judgment.

Key PointsImplications
God’s revelation surpasses human understandingThe word of knowledge challenges our preconceived notions and highlights God’s sovereignty in choosing His leaders.
The heart is more important than outward appearancesGod values the character and heart of an individual over their external qualities, emphasizing the need for inner transformation.
Divine selection overrides societal normsThe word of knowledge disregards human expectations and cultural norms, affirming God’s unique perspective and divine plan.

Lessons from Samuel’s Anointing of David

“For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7

The story of Samuel’s anointing of David teaches us several valuable lessons:

  • God’s wisdom and insight are far greater than our own.
  • Appearances can be deceiving, and we should not judge others based solely on outward characteristics.
  • God’s plans often defy human expectations and cultural norms.
  • Our hearts and character matter more to God than our external achievements or appearances.

The anointing of David marks the beginning of a significant chapter in Israel’s history, showcasing the power of the word of knowledge and God’s divine guidance in selecting a king who would lead His people with wisdom and righteousness.

Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial (Matthew 26:34; Mark 14:30; Luke 22:34; John 13:38)

In the biblical accounts of Matthew 26:34, Mark 14:30, Luke 22:34, and John 13:38, there is a remarkable example of the word of knowledge demonstrated by Jesus. In his divine insight, Jesus predicts Peter’s denial before the rooster crows. This foretelling of Peter’s actions showcases the supernatural knowledge possessed by Jesus.

Shortly before his crucifixion, Jesus gathers his disciples and informs Peter that he will deny him three times before the rooster crows. This prediction is met with great disbelief by Peter, who fiercely claims his steadfast loyalty to Jesus. However, as events unfold, they align exactly with Jesus’ prophecy.

This instance of the word of knowledge highlights Jesus’ divinity and his intimate understanding of the hearts and actions of his followers. It signifies his ability to perceive events before they occur, transcending the limits of human understanding.

Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial

Jesus’ Words of Knowledge:

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” – Matthew 26:34 (NIV)

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “today – yes, tonight – before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times.” – Mark 14:30 (NIV)

Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.” – Luke 22:34 (NIV)

Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!” – John 13:38 (NIV)

These predictions serve as a solemn reminder of the frailty of human nature and the extent of Jesus’ knowledge and understanding. Despite Peter’s denial, Jesus shows mercy, forgiveness, and ultimately restores Peter to his role as a key figure in the early church.

Key elements of Jesus’ prediction:Outcome
Peter’s denialFulfilled
Timing: Before the rooster crowsFulfilled
Specifically three denialsFulfilled

This incident emphasizes the authority and supernatural insight Jesus possessed as the Son of God. It serves as a powerful example of the word of knowledge, demonstrating Jesus’ profound understanding and connection with future events.

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams (Genesis 41)

In the fascinating account of Joseph’s life in the book of Genesis, we encounter a remarkable demonstration of the word of knowledge. Joseph, a Hebrew slave in Egypt, is given divine insight to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams accurately. These dreams reveal crucial information about the upcoming years of abundance and famine that the land would experience.

Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams showcases the power of the word of knowledge in providing essential guidance and foresight. Through his understanding of the dreams, Joseph advises Pharaoh to appoint overseers to collect and store grain during the years of abundance, ensuring provisions during the subsequent famine.

“Surely seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt. But seven years of famine will follow them. Then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten, and the famine will ravage the land. The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon.” – Genesis 41:29-32 (NIV)

Joseph’s interpretation not only saves Egypt from the devastating effects of the famine but also secures his own rise to prominence as Pharaoh’s trusted advisor. This extraordinary display of divine insight highlights the profound impact that the word of knowledge can have on individuals and nations.

Key ElementsInterpretation
Seven healthy cowsRepresented seven years of abundance
Seven thin, gaunt cowsRepresented seven years of famine
Seven plump, ripe ears of grainSymbolized the abundance to come
Seven thin, scorched ears of grainIndicated the years of famine that would follow

The juxtaposition of these contrasting visions allowed Joseph to discern the meaning behind Pharaoh’s dreams and provide actionable guidance. By utilizing the word of knowledge, Joseph played a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being and survival of the Egyptian people during a time of great hardship.

Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Daniel 2)

Understand the power of divine insight as Daniel deciphers King Nebuchadnezzar’s enigmatic dream.

When King Nebuchadnezzar demanded his wise men reveal the meaning of his perplexing dream, they were unable to provide an explanation. However, Daniel, a man blessed with the word of knowledge, stepped forward to unravel the cryptic message.

“In my dream, I saw a colossal statue made of various materials,” the King confessed.

“The head was crafted from fine gold, symbolizing the Babylonian empire’s power and glory. The chest and arms were silver, representing the future rise of another kingdom. The belly and thighs were bronze, signifying a third realm to come. The legs, made of iron, denote the fourth dominion that will be strong and forceful. Lastly, at the feet, a mixture of iron and clay emerged, depicting a divided kingdom.”

Daniel, in possession of the divine word, revealed the dream’s interpretation. Each material in the statue represented a specific kingdom, foretelling the rise and fall of ancient empires and the shifting tides of history.

GoldThe Babylonian empire
SilverThe subsequent kingdom
BronzeThe third realm
IronThe fourth dominion
Iron and clayA divided kingdom

This supernatural understanding set Daniel apart from the king’s wise men and positioned him as a vessel of divine revelation, able to unlock hidden mysteries and bring forth clarity in times of uncertainty.

Next, discover how Paul’s word of knowledge predicted a treacherous shipwreck in Section 9.

Paul’s Prediction of Shipwreck (Acts 27:10, 21-26)

Divine Insights and God’s Protection

Paul, a faithful messenger of God, demonstrated the remarkable power of the word of knowledge by predicting the loss of the ship and all its cargo during a treacherous storm (Acts 27:10, 21-26). Through divine revelation, Paul was granted supernatural understanding, enabling him to foresee the impending danger.

Despite the impending disaster, Paul assured all those aboard the ship that they would survive, thanks to God’s unwavering protection even in the face of challenging circumstances. This powerful example highlights the profound impact of divine insight and the assurance it brings to those who put their trust in God.

Paul's Prediction of Shipwreck
Divine RevelationPaul received the word of knowledge from God, granting him insight into the upcoming shipwreck.
Loss of Ship and CargoPaul’s prediction came true as the ship was destroyed, resulting in the loss of all cargo.
God’s ProtectionDespite the impending disaster, Paul assured the survival of all aboard, showcasing God’s unwavering protection.

This remarkable event serves as a testament to the incredible wisdom and guidance bestowed upon individuals through the word of knowledge. Paul’s prediction and the subsequent fulfillment of the prophecy emphasize the essence of divine revelation and its role in navigating through life’s challenges.

“Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand before Caesar. God has graciously given you all the lives of those who sail with you.” – Acts 27:24

Paul’s unwavering faith in God’s word and his role as a vessel for divine insight demonstrates the power of the word of knowledge to guide and protect those who trust in its wisdom. This biblical account reminds us of the importance of seeking divine revelation in our lives and relying on God’s protection in times of adversity.

Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Matthew 16:21; Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22)

Jesus, in profound clarity and divine wisdom, repeatedly predicts his impending suffering, death, and resurrection. His deep understanding of future events showcases his exceptional knowledge and prophetic insight. In Matthew 16:21, Mark 8:31, and Luke 9:22, Jesus unveils the specific details of his sacrifice and triumphant resurrection. This word of knowledge establishes Jesus’ supreme authority and aligns with the prophecies foretold in the Scriptures. These prophecies serve as a testament to Jesus’ unique role as the Messiah and the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation.


“From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.” – Matthew 16:21 (ESV)

“And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again.” – Mark 8:31 (ESV)

“saying, ‘The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.'” – Luke 9:22 (ESV)

The Prophecy of Redemption

Through these prophecies, Jesus affirms his knowledge of the future and expresses his divine mission to save humanity. By voluntarily surrendering his life and conquering death, Jesus fulfills centuries-old prophecies and paves the way for the redemption and reconciliation of mankind with God. This extraordinary display of the word of knowledge highlights the grandeur of God’s plan and the boundless love He has for His creation. Jesus’ foreknowledge of his death and resurrection strengthens the foundation of Christian faith and reassures believers of the promised victory over sin and death.

Agabus Predicts a Famine (Acts 11:27-30)

Agabus, one of the early Christian prophets, possessed the remarkable word of knowledge and foretold a devastating famine that would impact the Roman world. Known for his accurate prophecies, Agabus displayed a deep understanding of future events through divine revelation.

The significance of Agabus’ prophecy lies in its fulfillment and the subsequent actions taken by the early church. The prediction alerted believers to the impending crisis and enabled them to prepare and provide timely assistance to those affected by the famine.

Agabus Predicts a Famine

This image visually represents the gravity of the famine and the urgency it created within the Christian community. As they rallied together to fulfill their responsibility to care for one another, Agabus’ prophecy served as a catalyst for compassionate action.

It is essential to recognize that the accuracy and power of Agabus’ word of knowledge played a pivotal role in nurturing a spirit of solidarity and empathy within the early church. By highlighting the significance of this prophecy, we gain insight into the potency of divine revelation and its ability to shape the course of events.

The Impact of Agabus’ Prophecy

“Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. And one of them named Agabus stood up and foretold by the Spirit that there would be a great famine over all the world (this took place in the days of Claudius).”
– Acts 11:27-28 (ESV)

Agabus’ prophecy sparked a compassionate response from the believers in Antioch. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, they banded together and took action to support their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The early church understood the responsibility to care for those in need, and Agabus’ prophecy provided a clear call to action.

The Response to the Famine

In their response to the famine, the believers in Antioch displayed selflessness, generosity, and a deep commitment to their fellow believers. As a result, they gathered resources and sent relief to the affected regions, demonstrating the tangible impact of Agabus’ prophecy on their hearts and actions.

The table below highlights the notable responses to the famine, showcasing the contributions made by the believers in Antioch:

Financial SupportThe believers in Antioch generously provided financial resources to support those affected by the famine, ensuring that their basic needs were met.
Relief SuppliesThey gathered and distributed necessary provisions, including food, water, and clothing, to alleviate the suffering caused by the famine.
Unity and SolidarityThe entire community came together in unity, displaying a powerful demonstration of love and care for one another.

The response of the believers in Antioch embodies the selflessness and compassion that should characterize every believer when faced with the needs of others. Agabus’ prophecy not only warned of the famine but also paved the way for the early church to live out their faith through practical acts of love.

Agabus’ accurate prophecy and the subsequent response of the believers in Antioch stand as a testament to the transformative power of the word of knowledge. This divine insight served as a catalyst for compassion and unity, setting an example for believers throughout history to respond to challenging circumstances with love and generosity.

What Are Some Examples of Biblical Authority in the Word of Knowledge?

The biblical authority examples explained in the Word of Knowledge are found in passages such as 1 Corinthians 12:8, where it is mentioned as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This authority is demonstrated through the ability to have insight and understanding that goes beyond natural knowledge.


The word of knowledge, as evidenced by these biblical examples, showcases the extraordinary wisdom and divine insight bestowed upon individuals by God. Through these instances, we witness the power of divine revelation and its profound impact on the lives and events of those mentioned in the Bible.

From Jesus revealing intimate details about the Samaritan woman’s past to Peter exposing Ananias and Sapphira’s deceit through the Holy Spirit’s knowledge, the word of knowledge enables individuals to see beyond the natural realm and perceive the hidden truths known only to God.

By possessing the word of knowledge, individuals like Elisha, Samuel, and Daniel are able to bypass conventional understanding and offer profound interpretations of dreams and prophecies. Moreover, Jesus’ ability to predict his suffering, death, and resurrection showcases his divine nature and supreme knowledge of future events.

The word of knowledge, throughout the Bible, reveals God’s desire to communicate with humanity, providing supernatural wisdom and understanding. As we reflect on these biblical examples, we are reminded of the profound impact that divine insight can have on individuals and the course of history itself.