10 Examples: Being led astray by the error of wicked people (2 Peter 3:17)

Here are ten examples from the Bible where people or Bible stories demonstrate being led astray by the error of lawless people, based on 2 Peter 3:17:

  1. Israel’s worship of the golden calf (Exodus 32:1-6): The Israelites were led astray by Aaron and other lawless individuals who encouraged them to engage in idol worship, disregarding God’s commandments.
  2. King Solomon’s idolatry (1 Kings 11:1-8): Solomon, in his later years, allowed himself to be led astray by his foreign wives who turned his heart to other gods, leading to his downfall and the division of the kingdom.
  3. The influence of false prophets in the time of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 23:13-17): The false prophets in Jeremiah’s day deceived the people with their false visions, leading them astray from God’s truth and causing them to trust in lies.
  4. The false teaching of the Judaizers (Galatians 2:4-5): The apostle Paul confronted Peter and other believers who were being led astray by the error of the Judaizers, who advocated for adding the works of the law to faith in Christ for salvation.
  5. The rise of false teachers in the early church (2 Peter 2:1-3): Peter warns about false prophets and teachers who secretly bring in destructive heresies, leading many astray with their false teachings and denying the Lord who bought them.
  6. Jezebel’s influence on King Ahab (1 Kings 21:25-26): Jezebel, the wicked queen of Israel, led King Ahab astray by promoting idol worship and encouraging him to forsake God’s commands.
  7. The influence of false teachers in Thyatira (Revelation 2:20-23): Jesus addresses the church in Thyatira, warning them about a false prophetess named Jezebel who was leading the people astray with her false teachings and immoral practices.
  8. The false prophets during the time of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 13:1-10): God rebukes the false prophets of Israel, who were proclaiming false visions and divinations, leading the people astray with their lies and false security.
  9. Demas’ abandonment of Paul (2 Timothy 4:10): Demas, once a fellow worker with Paul, is mentioned as having forsaken him, being led astray by the love of the present world.
  10. The false teachers in Pergamum (Revelation 2:14-15): Jesus addresses the church in Pergamum, warning them about those who held to the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans, which led the people astray into idolatry and sexual immorality.

These examples highlight the dangers of being led astray by the error of lawless people and false teachers. They underscore the need for discernment, steadfastness in the truth of God’s Word, and reliance on the Holy Spirit for guidance.

By being vigilant and rooted in God’s truth, believers can guard against deception and remain firm in their faith. Also see: 2 Peter Chapter 3 KJV – Dos and Don’ts

10 Examples: Being Led Astray By The Error Of Wicked People (2 Peter 3:17)

We’ve all experienced moments where we’ve been led astray or influenced by the wrong people. It’s an unfortunate part of life that we can sometimes fall into the trap of following those who lead us down a path of destruction or harm.

In the Bible, there are numerous accounts of people being led astray by the error of wicked people, just as 2 Peter 3:17 warns us.

This article will explore ten examples from Scripture where individuals or communities were deceived by the lies and manipulations of others.

As you read through these examples, consider the different ways that wicked people can lead others astray, and the consequences that can arise from following their harmful teachings or actions.

Use these stories as a reminder to remain vigilant and discerning in your own life, so that you may not be swayed by the error of wicked people and can instead stay steadfast in your faith and commitment to God’s truth.

Key Takeaways

  • False teachers and prophets can lead individuals or communities astray through lies and manipulations, and it is essential to stay true to faith and avoid idolatry.
  • Characteristics of false teachers include greed, arrogance, and a focus on pleasing others rather than God, and cautionary tales warn about the dangers of partnering with wicked individuals.
  • Consequences of following harmful teachings or actions can be severe, and discernment and evaluation of influences in our lives is crucial.
  • Overcoming falsehood and guarding faith requires a commitment to studying the Bible, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, and surrounding oneself with trusted sources and fellow believers. Keeping focus on Jesus is essential in discerning truth from falsehood.

Israel’s worship of the golden calf (Exodus 32:1-6)

When Israel’s faith wavered, they’d quickly turned to worship the golden calf, naively led astray by Aaron’s wickedness.

They danced and reveled around the idol in a frenzy of misplaced devotion. The golden calf consequences were severe, resulting in God’s anger and the loss of numerous lives.

Patience in waiting for Moses to return from Mount Sinai was a virtue that the Israelites failed to exercise. Aaron’s responsibility as a spiritual leader was to guide the people in the right direction.

However, his spiritual leadership failure led them into idolatry and disobeying God’s commandments.

To prevent such instances of idolatry, it is crucial for individuals to remain steadfast in their faith and not be swayed by the error of wicked people.

As believers, it is essential to be discerning and cautious about the actions and influences of those who hold spiritual leadership positions.

By being vigilant and grounded in the Word of God, one can avoid falling into the trap of idolatry and ultimately stay faithful to God’s commandments.

King Solomon’s idolatry (1 Kings 11:1-8)

Imagine walking a tightrope as you try to maintain your balance, but suddenly someone tugs at the rope causing you to fall; that’s similar to what happened to King Solomon in 1 Kings 11:1-8, when he allowed his love for foreign women to lead him into idolatry.

Despite being the wisest man on earth, Solomon couldn’t resist the allure of these women and their pagan gods. As a result, he turned his back on the one true God and brought severe consequences upon himself and the nation of Israel.

Solomon’s story shows us several important lessons. Even the wisest person can make foolish decisions when they’re led astray by the error of wicked people. Solomon’s love for his foreign wives led him to worship their gods, showing the power of relationships to influence our spiritual lives.

By turning away from God and worshiping idols, Solomon brought God’s anger and judgment upon himself and his kingdom.

Although the Bible does not record Solomon’s repentance, it does offer hope that those who turn back to God can find forgiveness and restoration.

The importance of staying true to our faith cannot be overstated. By allowing our hearts to be led astray, we risk severe consequences and undermine our relationship with God.

The influence of false prophets in the time of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 23:13-17)

In the time of Jeremiah, you’d find yourself surrounded by false prophets who dangerously misled the people of Israel, causing them to stumble and stray from the truth of God’s word.

These prophets spread lies and deceptive messages, creating confusion and leading people away from the path of righteousness.

As someone living during this time, you would have faced Jeremiah’s challenges in discerning truth from falsehood and navigating the spiritual deception that permeated your society.

The false prophecies impact on the nation’s faith and morality would be immense, and the consequences of following these false teachings would be dire.

In this challenging environment, it would be crucial for you to remain steadfast in your faith and seek guidance from God to avoid being led astray by the error of wicked people.

By staying true to God’s word and not succumbing to the deceitful claims of the false prophets, you would be able to resist spiritual deception and maintain a strong relationship with the Lord.

Remember the words of Jeremiah and be wary of those who claim to speak for God but spread lies and falsehoods.

Your ability to discern truth from deception will help you remain on the righteous path and avoid the tragic fate that befell so many of your fellow Israelites during this dark time in history.

The false teaching of the Judaizers (Galatians 2:4-5)

It’s not just ancient times we should be concerned about; even in the New Testament, we see the false teaching of the Judaizers, who tried to impose circumcision and other Jewish customs on Gentile converts to Christianity (Galatians 2:4-5).

You might think that this issue is irrelevant today, but the deeper meaning here is that we must always be vigilant against those who distort the truth and impose unnecessary burdens on believers.

So let’s hold fast to the core message of the Gospel and not be swayed by those who seek to pervert it for their own ends.

Judaizers’ ImpactGalatians Controversy
Paul’s DefenseCircumcision Debate
Law versus Grace

The Galatians controversy centered on the circumcision debate, with the Judaizers insisting that Gentile converts must adhere to Jewish customs in order to be saved.

Paul’s defense of the Gospel, on the other hand, emphasized that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and not by works or obedience to the law.

By understanding the law versus grace argument, we can grasp the importance of rejecting false teachings and standing firm in the truth of the Gospel.

Remember, being led astray by the error of wicked people is a timeless issue, so always be on guard and discerning when it comes to preserving the purity of our faith.

The rise of false teachers in the early church (2 Peter 2:1-3)

You may find it alarming that even in the early church, false teachers were on the rise, as described in 2 Peter 2:1-3, causing confusion and leading many believers away from the truth of the Gospel.

These manipulative leaders brought spiritual corruption through their counterfeit doctrine and deceptive teachings.

This early deception is a clear reminder that being vigilant and discerning is crucial for Christians to avoid being led astray. Some of the characteristics of these false teachers include:

  • They were deceptive and secretive, infiltrating the church without being noticed.
  • Their teachings promoted immoral behaviors and lifestyles, contrary to the teachings of Christ.
  • They exploited the believers for personal gain, driven by greed and selfish desires.

In response to this alarming situation, the apostle Peter warned the believers about the dangers of following these false teachers and urged them to remain steadfast in the true teachings of Christ.

He emphasized the importance of deepening their knowledge of God and Jesus Christ, as well as living a life that reflects the values and principles of the Gospel.

By doing so, they would be able to recognize and reject the spiritual corruption caused by these manipulative leaders.

This lesson is still relevant today, as Christians must always be on guard against counterfeit doctrine and deceptive teachings that could lead them away from the truth of the Gospel.

Jezebel’s influence on King Ahab (1 Kings 21:25-26)

Delving into the story of Jezebel’s influence on King Ahab found in 1 Kings 21:25-26, we see another example of how one’s susceptibility to manipulation can lead to devastating consequences.

Jezebel’s manipulation played a significant role in Ahab’s downfall, as she pushed him to engage in evil acts and abandon his faith in God.

The power dynamics in their relationship led to Ahab becoming spiritually corrupt, ultimately causing him to make decisions that would destroy his reign and legacy.

Ahab’s susceptibility to Jezebel’s control serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of wicked partnerships. When we align ourselves with those who do not share our values or faith, we risk being led astray and falling into spiritual corruption.

It is essential to be mindful of the influences in our lives and to evaluate whether they are pushing us towards righteousness or wickedness.

By doing so, we can avoid making the same mistakes as King Ahab and protect ourselves from the error of wicked people.

The influence of false teachers in Thyatira (Revelation 2:20-23)

In the case of Thyatira, as mentioned in Revelation 2:20-23, you’ll find that false teachers can play a destructive role in one’s spiritual journey, much like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, luring you away from the path of righteousness.

This passage warns against a self-proclaimed prophetess, who led the people to commit immoral acts and partake in idolatrous worship.

Her deception is reminiscent of Jezebel’s deception in the Old Testament, and Thyatira’s vulnerability to her lies highlights the importance of discerning truth and combating falsehood in our own lives.

  1. Recognize the warning signs: Be aware of teachings that don’t align with Scripture or promote immoral behavior. This will help you identify false prophets and avoid falling for their deceptions.
  2. Seek guidance from trusted sources: Surround yourself with wise and faithful mentors who can provide counsel and help you in discerning truth from falsehood.
  3. Cultivate a strong relationship with God: Regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers will strengthen your spiritual foundation and enable you to resist the temptation of idolatry and immoral behaviors.
  4. Understand the consequences: Recognize that the consequences of idolatry and immorality are severe, as Revelation 2:20-23 lays out. Those who follow false teachers and engage in sinful practices will face God’s judgment and miss out on the abundant life He has planned for them.

The false prophets during the time of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 13:1-10)

As you reflect on the influence of false teachers in Thyatira, it is essential to recognize that this is not an isolated incident in history.

Turning our attention to the time of Ezekiel, we find a similar situation where God’s people were being led astray by false prophets. Let’s explore Ezekiel’s warning to the people of Israel against these deceptive visionaries who were leading them off track.

Ezekiel’s warning came at a time when false prophets were spreading deceptive visions and misleading oracles, proclaiming false peace promises to the people of Israel.

These individuals were like a dangerous infection, corrupting the spiritual well-being of the nation. In Ezekiel 13:1-10, God commanded Ezekiel to speak out against these false prophets and expose their lies.

God’s judgment was coming, and He would hold these deceitful individuals accountable for their actions. Consider the following table to get a clearer picture of the situation:

Deceptive VisionsFalse prophets were sharing visions that did not come from God.
Misleading OraclesTheir oracles misled people and caused them to believe in lies.
False Peace PromisesThe false prophets claimed that peace was coming, contrary to God’s actual message.
Ezekiel’s WarningEzekiel was commanded to speak out against these false prophets and expose their lies.
God’s JudgmentGod would bring judgment upon the false prophets and those who followed their deceit.

As you can see, history has shown that God’s people have often faced the challenge of discerning truth from falsehood.

It is our responsibility to remain vigilant and seek wisdom from God’s Word to avoid being led astray by the error of wicked people, just as it was for the people in Thyatira and during the time of Ezekiel.

Demas’ abandonment of Paul (2 Timothy 4:10)

Turning our focus to Demas, we’re reminded that even those who seem committed can falter and abandon their faith. This is seen when he deserted Paul in 2 Timothy 4:10.

Demas’ motivations for leaving Paul are not explicitly mentioned in the Scriptures, but they may have been rooted in a desire for personal gain or a fear of persecution.

Regardless of his reasons, Demas’ actions serve as a cautionary tale, illustrating the importance of recognizing wickedness and remaining steadfast in our faith.

In response to Demas’ abandonment, Paul didn’t let the betrayal deter him from his mission. Instead, he continued to rely on God’s strength and the support of other believers.

Overcoming abandonment and betrayal is never easy, but with faithful perseverance and trust in God, we can overcome any obstacle.

As followers of Christ, we must remain vigilant against the influence of wicked people and the temptations of the world. This is so that we may continue to walk in the truth and fulfill the purpose God has for our lives.

The false teachers in Pergamum (Revelation 2:14-15)

Beware of the false teachers in Pergamum, as mentioned in Revelation 2:14-15, who can lure you into compromising your faith with worldly temptations and corrupt doctrines, much like the Israelites who fell for Balaam’s deception.

These wicked temptations and deceptive doctrines can appear enticing, promising you a life of pleasure and ease, but they ultimately lead you away from the truth of God’s Word and the salvation found in Jesus Christ.

It’s essential to exercise spiritual discernment and seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit to avoid being led astray by these false teachings.

Overcoming falsehood and guarding your faith in the face of such deception requires a commitment to studying the Bible, praying for guidance, and surrounding yourself with fellow believers who are also committed to living a life that honors God.

By doing so, you can resist the allure of wicked temptations and remain steadfast in your faith. Remember the words of 2 Peter 3:17, urging you to be on your guard against such deception, and keep your focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.

Wicked TemptationsDeceptive DoctrinesSpiritual Discernment
Worldly pleasuresFalse teachingsPrayer
Material wealthCorrupt doctrinesBible study
Power and influenceCompromising faithFellowship with believers
Personal gainIdolatrySeeking the Holy Spirit
HedonismDistorted view of GodAccountability from fellow Christians


Don’t let history repeat itself like a broken record. Be wary of those who may lead you astray with their wicked ways and false teachings.

Stay strong in your faith and be vigilant in your pursuit of truth.

Remember, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. Don’t let yourself be that apple.