10 Examples: Honour All Men. Love The Brotherhood (1 Peter 2:17)

Imagine yourself walking through a lush forest, surrounded by a symphony of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves.

You come across a clearing where people from all walks of life have gathered, laughing and embracing one another as they share stories and break bread together.

This is a picture of the brotherhood that the Apostle Peter speaks of in 1 Peter 2:17, where he instructs us to ‘honour all men’ and ‘love the brotherhood.’

This ideal of unity and love is not a mere fantasy, but a very real possibility when we follow Christ’s teachings and the examples laid out in the Bible.

In this article, you’ll explore ten examples from Scripture that illustrate the importance of honoring all men and loving the brotherhood.

From Jesus‘ teaching on loving your neighbor to Paul’s exhortation to the Romans, these stories and teachings serve as a guide for how we can live out this command in our own lives.

As you journey through these examples, may you be inspired to cultivate a heart of love and unity towards those around you, both within the Christian community and beyond.

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Key Takeaways

  • Honoring all men and loving the brotherhood is a crucial instruction from Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 2:17.
  • Scripture provides numerous examples of empathy, selflessness, action, unconditional love, and responsibility, such as the parable of the Good Samaritan, Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi, and David and Jonathan’s friendship.
  • Jesus’ teachings on loving our neighbor as ourselves and exemplifying humility, as well as Paul’s exhortation to be devoted to one another in love and honor one another above ourselves, emphasize the importance of working together in harmony and avoiding favoritism.
  • Embracing the teachings of 1 John 3:16-18 to demonstrate love through actions and truth is essential for fostering unity, compassion, and a true sense of community within the body of Christ, especially in a society where lack of empathy and compassion is prevalent.

Jesus’ teaching on loving your neighbor (Matthew 22:39)

You see, Jesus teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves in Matthew 22:39, and this profound message encourages us to embrace and care for one another.

It’s a call to extend compassion, kindness, and understanding to those around us, regardless of our differences.

By loving our neighbors, we’re able to build stronger connections and create a sense of community that benefits everyone involved. In order to truly honor all men and love the brotherhood, as 1 Peter 2:17 instructs, it’s essential to practice this teaching of Jesus.

Start by recognizing the humanity in each person you encounter and strive to treat them with the same respect and care that you would want for yourself.

By doing so, you’ll contribute to a world where love and compassion abound, and you’ll find that your own life is enriched in the process.

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, it’s astonishing that 7 out of 10 people today still walk past those in need without offering help, reflecting a lack of empathy and compassion in our society.

In this story, found in Luke 10:25-37, Jesus teaches the importance of showing love and kindness to everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs.

He shares the story of a man who is robbed, beaten, and left for dead on the side of the road. Interestingly, two religious people – a priest and a Levite – pass by the injured man without offering any assistance.

It’s a Samaritan, someone from a group despised by the Jews, who stops to help the man, providing medical care and ensuring his safety.

The Good Samaritan is a powerful example of what it means to honor all men and love the brotherhood, as stated in 1 Peter 2:17. As you consider the lessons from this parable, take a look at the table below, which highlights some key points and applications for our lives today:

LessonExample from the ParableApplication for Our Lives
EmpathyThe Samaritan put himself in the injured man’s shoes and felt compassion for him.We should strive to understand and empathize with the struggles others face.
SelflessnessThe Samaritan used his own resources to care for the man’s needs.We should be willing to sacrifice our time and resources to help others.
ActionThe Samaritan didn’t just feel compassion; he took action to help the man.We must move beyond feelings and take tangible steps to assist those in need.
Unconditional LoveThe Samaritan helped the man despite their cultural differences.We should show love to everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs.
ResponsibilityThe Samaritan took responsibility for the man’s recovery.We should take ownership of our role in helping others and not leave it to someone else.

In applying these lessons, we can better embody the core message of Jesus’ teachings on loving our neighbors and honoring all people. By doing so, we can work towards a more compassionate, supportive, and connected society.

Jesus’ example of humility (Philippians 2:5-8)

It’s truly remarkable how Jesus exemplified humility in Philippians 2:5-8, showing us the importance of putting others first and having a selfless attitude.

In this passage, we are encouraged to have the same mindset as Christ, who didn’t consider equality with God something to cling to. Instead, He took on the form of a servant, becoming human and humbling Himself even further by submitting to death on a cross.

Jesus’ willingness to lay aside His divine rights and privileges for the sake of others is a powerful example of humility that we should strive to emulate.

As you go about your daily life, consider how you can follow Jesus’ example of humility. Look for opportunities to serve others, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable, and remember that true greatness comes from putting others first.

When conflicts arise or you feel the urge to assert your rights, think about how Jesus willingly set aside His own rights to save us, and let that inspire you to do the same.

In doing so, you’ll not only honor God but also cultivate a spirit of humility and love that will draw others to the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Paul’s exhortation to the Romans (Romans 12:10)

Embracing Paul’s exhortation in Romans 12:10 won’t just strengthen your relationships but also transform your heart and mind to reflect Christ’s love more deeply.

This verse encourages you to “be devoted to one another in love”and to “honor one another above yourselves.”

By putting others’ needs and interests before your own, you’ll develop a Christ-like humility and love in your interactions.

This selflessness will improve your relationships with your family, friends, and church community and draw you closer to God as you seek to emulate His perfect example of love and service.

To live out this exhortation, start by looking for opportunities to serve and encourage those around you. Show genuine interest in their lives, offer a listening ear, and be willing to lend a helping hand when needed.

Offer words of affirmation and encouragement, and be intentional in creating a positive and uplifting environment.

As you practice honoring others above yourself, you’ll find that your joy and satisfaction in life increases. Your relationships will become more meaningful and fulfilling as you mirror Christ’s love to those around you.

Remember, as you honor all men and love the brotherhood, you’re ultimately honoring and loving Christ Himself (Matthew 25:40).

The early Christian community (Acts 2:42-47)

As you explore the early Christian community described in Acts 2:42-47, you’ll notice their devotion to fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer, which can inspire your own faith journey and relationships today.

The early believers were committed to learning from the apostles, sharing their possessions and resources, and gathering together to pray and celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

This sense of unity and generosity created a strong bond within the community, and their love for one another was evident to those around them.

By embracing these practices in your own life, you can cultivate a sense of belonging, strengthen your faith, and make a positive impact on those around you.

Take a moment to reflect on the values that characterized the early Christian community and consider how you can incorporate them into your own life.

Seek opportunities to connect with fellow believers, whether through small group Bible studies, prayer meetings, or acts of service.

Share your resources, time, and talents with those in need, and strive to be an example of Christ’s love in your community.

As you follow the example of the early Christians, you’ll find that your relationships grow deeper, your faith becomes stronger, and your impact on the world around you becomes more profound.

Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi (Ruth 1:16-18)

Drawing inspiration from Ruth’s unwavering loyalty to Naomi, we’re reminded of the power in standing by those we care for, even in the face of adversity and uncertainty.

In the biblical story of Ruth, her husband dies and she’s left with her mother-in-law, Naomi, who also lost her husband.

Despite the hardships they faced, Ruth chose to remain by Naomi’s side, leaving her homeland and her people to travel with her mother-in-law to a foreign land.

Ruth’s devotion to Naomi exemplifies the importance of showing love and loyalty to our fellow human beings, even when it may be challenging to do so.

As we apply this lesson to our own lives, we can recognize the value of standing by our friends, family members, and community members, offering our support and care during difficult times.

By emulating Ruth’s powerful example of loyalty and love, we can not only strengthen our relationships but also create a more compassionate and loving world around us.

In turn, this fosters a sense of unity and togetherness, which is vital in nurturing the brotherhood that 1 Peter 2:17 encourages us to honor and love.

David’s friendship with Jonathan (1 Samuel 18:1-4)

You can find inspiration in the story of David and Jonathan’s friendship, a beautiful example of a deep bond that transcends rivalry and personal interests, teaching us the true meaning of brotherly love and commitment.

In 1 Samuel 18:1-4, we learn about the incredible bond between David, the future King of Israel, and Jonathan, the son of the current King Saul.

Their friendship was so strong that it is said that Jonathan’s soul was ‘knit with the soul of David,’ and despite their vastly different backgrounds and potential competition for the throne, they chose to support and love one another unconditionally.

This powerful story reminds us of the importance of honoring all people and truly loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. David and Jonathan’s friendship was built on trust, loyalty, and a mutual concern for each other’s well-being.

Even when Jonathan’s father, King Saul, sought to kill David, Jonathan remained loyal to his friend and did everything in his power to protect him.

In a world filled with jealousy, rivalry, and selfishness, we can learn from their example to put aside our own personal interests and truly love and honor one another.

Paul’s teaching on unity in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:25-27)

In Paul’s profound teachings on unity within the body of Christ, found in 1 Corinthians 12:25-27, he emphasizes the importance of every member working together in harmony. He reminds us that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Just as the human body is made up of many parts, each with its own function, the body of Christ is composed of diverse individuals with unique gifts and roles.

Paul teaches that each member is crucial to the health and wellbeing of the whole body, and there should be no divisions or feelings of superiority among believers.

Instead, we are called to honor and love one another, recognizing that we all have a vital role to play in God’s kingdom.

As you seek to live out this biblical principle, remember that honoring and loving others starts with a humble attitude and a willingness to serve.

Look for opportunities to support your fellow believers, whether it’s by offering encouragement, lending a helping hand, or simply listening with empathy. Be intentional about building genuine relationships and fostering unity within your church community.

When you do this, you’ll be living out the truth of 1 Peter 2:17: “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood.”

And as you honor and love your brothers and sisters in Christ, you’ll find that the body of Christ is strengthened, unified, and better equipped to carry out God’s mission in the world.

James’ warning against showing favoritism (James 2:1-9)

Having explored Paul’s teachings on unity within the body of Christ, it’s essential to also consider James’ warning against showing favoritism. This particular message is just as crucial in fostering a loving and inclusive community.

In James 2:1-9, the author admonishes believers not to discriminate or show partiality towards others based on their social status, wealth, or appearance. James emphasizes the importance of treating everyone with equal respect and love.

To better understand his message, let’s examine four key points from this passage:

  1. Beware of personal bias: It’s easy to unconsciously favor those who are more like us or whom we perceive as ‘better’ in some way. Be vigilant in identifying and challenging your own biases.
  2. Recognize the sin of partiality: James calls out favoritism as a sin, comparing it to other transgressions such as adultery or murder (James 2:9-11). Treat it as seriously as any other sin and repent when necessary.
  3. Remember the royal law: The ‘royal law’ James refers to is the command to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ (James 2:8). Keeping this law central to your interactions ensures that you treat others fairly and without prejudice.
  4. Consider God’s perspective: God has chosen the poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and inherit the kingdom (James 2:5). Remember that God’s values may not align with society’s, and strive to adopt His perspective when relating to others.

By heeding James’ warning against favoritism and embracing a loving, inclusive attitude towards all, you can contribute to a stronger and more unified body of Christ.

John’s teaching on love for one another (1 John 3:16-18)

Embracing the teachings of 1 John 3:16-18, you’ll discover the profound importance of demonstrating love for one another within the Christian community. This passage highlights the ultimate example of love: Jesus Christ laying down His life for us.

As followers of Christ, you’re called to express this same selfless love towards others, especially fellow believers.

John emphasizes that love must not be merely expressed through words, but through actions and truth, meeting the needs of those around you and showing genuine compassion.

In order to truly honor all men and love the brotherhood, as instructed in 1 Peter 2:17, you must be intentional about putting this love into practice.

This means being aware of the needs of fellow believers, offering support, encouragement, and assistance without judgment or expectations.

When you live out this command, you’re not only following Christ’s example, but also fostering unity, compassion, and a true sense of community within the body of Christ.

Remember, it’s not enough to simply talk about love; you must actively demonstrate it to those around you.


So picture yourself as a vibrant thread in a colorful tapestry of humanity. Each strand intertwined and connected, creating a stunning image of love and unity.

You’re called to honor every person, cherishing every unique hue and texture. Let your love for your brothers and sisters weave the fabric of your life into a masterpiece.

As you walk through life’s journey, remember the beauty and strength that comes from honoring all and loving the brotherhood.