5 Lessons on Worship from the Tabernacle Practices

Have you ever wondered what lessons we can learn about worship from the ancient Tabernacle practices?

The Tabernacle, a sacred place where the Israelites worshiped God, holds timeless wisdom that can shape our spiritual lives. From preparation to sacrifice, communion to community, each aspect of worship offers valuable insights.

Join us on a journey to discover the hidden lessons on worship that the Tabernacle practices have to offer.

In this article, we will unravel the profound teachings on reverence, sacrifice, and communion that can transform the way we approach worship in our lives today.

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The Importance of Preparation

The meticulous preparation required for worship in the Tabernacle teaches us the importance of preparing our hearts before coming to worship. Just as the priests cleansed themselves and prepared the Tabernacle, we too must cleanse our hearts, repent of our sins, and dedicate ourselves anew to God.

This preparation is not merely external but a deep, internal process of aligning our hearts and minds with the will of God.

The worship in the Tabernacle was a sacred and reverent act, requiring careful attention to detail and a sincere posture of the heart. The Israelites understood that true worship involved more than just showing up; it required a personal and intentional dedication to God.

The Cleansing Process

In order to approach God in worship, the priests had to undergo a purification process. They would wash themselves with water and offer sacrifices to atone for their sins, symbolically cleansing themselves from impurity. This act represented repentance and the desire to come before God with a pure heart.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” – Psalm 51:10

Aligning with God’s Will

Preparation in the Tabernacle was not only about cleansing but also about aligning one’s heart and mind with the will of God. It required humility, surrender, and a willingness to let go of personal desires and preferences in order to follow God’s guidance.

Similarly, in our own worship, we must align ourselves with God’s will. This means seeking His guidance, studying His Word, and allowing His Spirit to work in us, transforming our desires and aligning them with His. It involves surrendering our own agenda and submitting to His plans and purposes.

A Heart of Dedication

The preparation in the Tabernacle was a tangible expression of dedication to God. It was an acknowledgment that worship is not a casual or half-hearted activity, but a deliberate and sincere offering of oneself to the Lord.

To prepare for worship, we must have a heart of dedication. This means committing ourselves fully to God, surrendering our lives and ambitions to His service, and offering our whole selves as living sacrifices. It requires prioritizing God above all else and seeking to honor and glorify Him in every aspect of our lives.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” – Romans 12:1

Key PointsLessons Learned
The importance of preparation– Cleansing our hearts through repentance
 – Aligning our hearts and minds with God’s will
 – Demonstrating dedication and surrender to God

Reverence and Awe

The Tabernacle, the dwelling place of God among the Israelites, evokes a profound sense of reverence and awe. As we examine the worship practices within the Tabernacle, we are reminded that worship is not a casual or routine act, but a sacred and holy encounter with the divine.

When approaching God in worship, it is essential to cultivate a sense of awe, recognizing His holiness and majesty. This requires us to set aside distractions and focus our hearts and minds on the sacredness of the moment.

Just as the Israelites approached the Tabernacle with reverence, we too must come before God with a deep sense of respect and admiration.

By embracing reverence and awe in our worship, we guard against complacency and the danger of treating worship as a mundane or ordinary activity. Worship is a sacred act that invites us to enter into the presence of the Almighty, to seek communion with Him, and to experience His divine love and guidance.

“The Tabernacle was a tangible reminder of God’s holiness and majesty, a place where His glory dwelled above the mercy seat. It served as a constant reminder that worship is an extraordinary privilege, deserving of our utmost reverence and awe.”

When we approach worship with reverence and awe, we open ourselves up to encountering the transcendent and experiencing the profound impact of God’s presence in our lives.

This sense of awe ensures that we never approach worship as a routine or obligatory duty but as a transformative encounter that has the power to shape and enrich our spiritual journey.

As we strive to avoid routine worship, let us remember the awe-inspiring nature of the Tabernacle and the profound reverence with which the Israelites approached God.

Let us cultivate a sense of awe in our own worship, recognizing the sacredness of the act and embracing the opportunity to encounter the holiness and majesty of our Creator.

Key Takeaways:

  • Worship is a sacred act that demands reverence and awe.
  • Approach worship with a deep sense of respect and admiration for God’s holiness and majesty.
  • Reverence and awe guard against routine worship and invite us to encounter the transcendent.
  • Cultivate a sense of awe in worship to experience the transformative power of God’s presence.

Sacrificial Giving

In the Tabernacle, sacrificial giving was a fundamental aspect of worship. Through offerings and sacrifices, the Israelites symbolized repentance, thanksgiving, and consecration to God.

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This teaches us that worship goes beyond rituals and ceremonies – it involves sacrificial giving, not just of material possessions, but also of our very lives.

Just as the Israelites offered their time, talents, and treasures to God, we too are called to offer ourselves fully in worship. It is a beautiful way to express our love and gratitude to the One who has blessed us abundantly.

When we sacrificially give, we acknowledge that everything we have comes from God and that He is worthy of our devotion and praise. We offer our lives as a living sacrifice, surrendering our desires, ambitions, and plans to follow His will.

It is through sacrificial giving that we demonstrate our love for God and seek to honor Him with all that we are and all that we have. As we offer ourselves as living sacrifices, we invite Him to work in and through us, transforming us into vessels that bear His love, grace, and truth.

The True Essence of Sacrificial Giving

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” – Luke 6:38

Sacrificial giving is not just about our material possessions; it encompasses every area of our lives. It includes our time, talents, energy, resources, and even our relationships. When we give sacrificially, we are acknowledging that all good things come from God and that we are called to be good stewards of His blessings.

The essence of sacrificial giving is to give selflessly, with a heart of gratitude and a desire to bless others. It is an act of faith, trusting that God will provide for our needs and use our gifts for His glory.

Offering Our Lives as a Reflection of Love and Gratitude

As we offer our lives to God in sacrificial giving, we are reflecting His love and gratitude. We are imitating the One who sacrificed everything for us – Jesus Christ. He gave His life on the cross to redeem us and reconcile us to God.

In response to such sacrificial love, we are called to offer our lives as a living sacrifice. This is a profound act of worship that recognizes God’s love and grace in our lives and seeks to honor Him in return.

When we sacrificially give, we align our hearts with God’s heart. We prioritize His kingdom and His purposes above our own desires. We become channels of His love, sharing His blessings with others and meeting their needs.

Ultimately, sacrificial giving is not about what we can get, but about what we can give. It is a way to demonstrate our love and gratitude to God and serve as a light in the world.

Communion and Fellowship with God

The Tabernacle was not only a physical structure but a sacred space where God met His people. It was a place of communion and fellowship, where the Israelites could enter into God’s presence and experience His love, guidance, and comfort.

When we engage in worship, we have the remarkable privilege of encountering God and cultivating an intimate relationship with Him. Just as the Israelites met God in the Tabernacle, we too can meet Him in our worship. It is through worship that we draw near to God, sensing His presence and experiencing His divine attributes.

Worship is the gateway to communion with God, a means by which we can intimately connect with Him and experience His overwhelming love and grace. It is in worship that we find solace, guidance, and comfort, as we align our hearts and minds with His will.

In our communion with God, we are invited to lay down our burdens, receive His peace, and find rest for our weary souls. It is within His presence that we are refreshed and rejuvenated, finding strength to face the challenges of life.

As we enter into God’s presence through worship, we open ourselves up to an intimate relationship with Him. This relationship is built on trust, vulnerability, and an enduring love that surpasses all understanding.

communion and fellowship with God

Experiencing God’s Love, Guidance, and Comfort

In the Tabernacle, the Israelites experienced the tangible manifestations of God’s love, guidance, and comfort. Similarly, in our worship, we can experience the depth of His love that surpasses all human comprehension.

Through worship, we open ourselves to hear His voice and receive His guidance. It is in those moments of surrender and vulnerability that we are able to discern the whispers of His Spirit, leading and directing our paths.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

Furthermore, in worship, we find solace and comfort in the midst of life’s challenges. The presence of God brings a peace that surpasses all understanding, enveloping us in His embrace and providing the strength we need to persevere.

Cultivating an Intimate Relationship with God

At the heart of worship is the opportunity to cultivate an intimate relationship with God. Just as the Israelites communed with God in the Tabernacle, we too can experience His presence and know Him intimately.

Through worship, we are invited to pour out our hearts before Him, sharing our deepest joys, fears, and desires. In this vulnerability, we discover that God is not a distant and unapproachable deity, but a loving Father who longs to have a personal, intimate relationship with each of His children.

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” – James 4:8a

In this intimate relationship with God, we find fulfillment, purpose, and a love that never fails. It is through worship that we nourish and cultivate this relationship, deepening our understanding of who God is and who we are in Him.

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

As we continue our journey of worship, let us embrace the invitation to communion and fellowship with God. May our worship be a testament to our desire for a deeper relationship with Him, as we enter His presence, experience His love, guidance, and comfort, and cultivate an intimate connection that transforms our lives.

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Community and Unity

The Tabernacle, as the central place of worship for the entire community of Israel, served as a unifying force, bringing together individuals from various tribes and walks of life. The importance of community in our worship is a valuable lesson that we can glean from the Tabernacle practices.

When we gather with our fellow believers, whether in a physical place of worship or in virtual communities, we recognize that worship is not an isolated act. It is an opportunity to come together as the body of Christ, fostering unity and encouraging one another in our faith journeys.

Just as the Israelites gathered at the Tabernacle, we too have the privilege of gathering with fellow believers to worship and commune with God. This gathering allows us to experience the power of worship in community, strengthening our bond as members of the body of Christ.

Within the community of believers, we find support, accountability, and shared experiences. We can learn from one another, grow together in our faith, and inspire each other to live out our calling as followers of Christ.

Fostering Unity

One of the beautiful aspects of worshiping in community is the opportunity to foster unity. The body of Christ, comprised of diverse individuals, can come together in worship and find common ground in their love for God.

Worshiping together breaks down barriers and dissolves differences, as we focus on the One who unites us all. It reminds us that our shared faith in Christ is more significant than any other distinctions or divisions that may exist.

“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 12:12

As we worship in community, we become a living example of the body of Christ, each member playing a unique role and contributing to the overall unity and well-being of the body.

Encouraging One Another

Worshiping together also provides opportunities for mutual encouragement. When we gather with fellow believers, we have the chance to uplift and inspire one another in our faith walks.

Through shared worship experiences, we witness God’s work in the lives of others, hear testimonies of His faithfulness, and receive encouragement to persevere in our own journeys. We can offer support, pray for one another, and share the burdens and joys of life as we worship side by side.

By encouraging one another in our worship, we create a sense of belonging and strengthen the bonds of fellowship within the body of Christ.

Importance of Community and Unity in Worship

Fostering unityWorshiping in community breaks down barriers and unites believers in their shared love for God.
Encouraging one anotherThrough shared worship experiences, believers can uplift, inspire, and support each other in their faith journeys.
Support and accountabilityCommunity worship provides a space for believers to find support, accountability, and shared experiences.
Growth and learningWithin the community, believers can learn from one another, grow together in their faith, and inspire each other to live out their calling as followers of Christ.

By embracing the importance of community and unity in worship, we not only strengthen our personal faith but also contribute to the growth and vitality of the body of Christ.

Lessons on Worship from Preparation

In the Tabernacle, preparation held great significance as it taught valuable lessons about worship. While external preparations were necessary, such as cleansing the sanctuary and setting it in order, the true essence of preparation lay in the alignment of our hearts with God’s will.

Preparing our hearts involves a deep internal process of self-reflection and surrender. It requires us to examine our motives, confess our shortcomings, and realign our desires with God’s purposes. Just as the priests prepared themselves before entering the Holy Place, we too must prepare our hearts to approach the presence of God in worship.

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” – Hebrews 10:22

Preparing our hearts means seeking forgiveness for our sins, renewing our commitment to God, and relinquishing control to His leading. It is a posture of humility, recognizing that worship is not about our own agenda but about surrendering to God’s plans and purposes.

When we enter into worship with hearts prepared, we are able to approach God with sincerity and devotion. Our worship becomes more than an external ritual; it becomes an expression of our love and reverence for the Almighty. By aligning ourselves internally with God’s will, we create an atmosphere for intimate communion with Him, allowing His presence to transform us from within.

The Key Lessons on Worship from Preparation:

  • Preparation involves both external and internal alignment.
  • Preparing our hearts requires self-reflection, confession, and surrender.
  • Worship is about seeking God’s will and relinquishing our own.
  • Preparation enables us to approach worship with sincerity and devotion.
  • Aligning ourselves with God’s will creates an atmosphere for intimate communion with Him.

By embracing the lessons on worship from preparation, we can experience a deeper connection with God and a more meaningful worship experience. Let us prioritize the preparation of our hearts, aligning ourselves internally with God’s will, and approach worship with all sincerity.

preparation in the Tabernacle

Lessons on Worship from Reverence and Awe

The Tabernacle, with its sacred and majestic presence, offers us profound lessons on worship. One of the crucial lessons we learn is to approach worship with reverence and awe, recognizing the holiness of God.

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When we cultivate a heart of reverence, we create space for a deeper connection with God. Reverence draws us closer to His presence, allowing us to experience His love, grace, and power more intimately.

Approaching worship with awe and respect reminds us that God is beyond our comprehension. It shifts our focus from ourselves to the greatness of our Creator. Acknowledging His holiness humbles us and leads to a genuine and authentic worship experience.

“Approaching God with reverence and awe is not about fear or distance; it’s about recognizing His majesty and bowing before Him in adoration.”

Reverence in worship helps us guard against complacency and routine. It reminds us that worship is not an obligation but a privilege. By entering into worship with an attitude of awe, we open ourselves to encountering the transcendent presence of God.

Let us embrace the lessons of reverence and awe from the Tabernacle. As we approach worship with deep respect, we invite God’s divine presence into our lives, allowing Him to transform and renew us.

The Importance of Reverence and Awe

The lessons on reverence and awe in worship can be summarized as:

Approaching Worship with AweRecognize the holiness of God and approach worship with deep respect and reverence.
Humbling OurselvesShift the focus from self to God’s greatness, acknowledging His holiness and our need for His presence.
Guard Against ComplacencyPrevent worship from becoming routine or mechanical by fostering a heart of awe and gratitude.
Inviting God’s PresenceBy approaching worship with reverence, we create an environment for God to manifest His presence and transform our lives.

Lessons on Worship from Sacrificial Giving

The practice of sacrificial giving in the Tabernacle imparts important lessons about worship. It goes beyond offering material possessions and extends to offering our entire lives as acts of gratitude and love towards God. By embracing sacrificial giving in our worship, we not only demonstrate our devotion to God but also experience the joy of wholeheartedly serving Him.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” – Acts 20:35

When we sacrificially give, we align ourselves with the heart of worship. Just as the Israelites brought their offerings and sacrifices to the Tabernacle, we can offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God. This act of surrender and selflessness demonstrates our deep gratitude and love for Him.

Gratitude in Worship

Sacrificial giving in worship is an expression of gratitude. It recognizes that everything we have is a gift from God and that we are stewards entrusted with His blessings. When we give sacrificially, we acknowledge His faithfulness and generosity, cultivating a spirit of thankfulness in our worship.

  • “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” – Psalm 106:1
  • “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

As we offer ourselves and our resources sacrificially, we reflect the gratitude in our hearts and demonstrate our reliance on God’s provision in all aspects of our lives.

Love in Worship

Sacrificial giving is an expression of love towards God. It goes beyond mere duty or obligation and is fueled by genuine affection for our Creator. Just as God demonstrated His love for us through the ultimate sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, we reciprocate that love by giving sacrificially in worship.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

When we sacrificially give, we reflect the love that God has poured into our lives. It is an opportunity to honor Him and show our devotion by putting others’ needs before our own, just as Jesus did for us.

In our worship, let us remember the powerful lessons on sacrificial giving from the Tabernacle. By offering our lives with gratitude and love, we deepen our connection with God and invite His transformative presence into our worship.

sacrificial giving in the Tabernacle

Lessons on Worship from Communion and Fellowship with God

The Tabernacle’s emphasis on communion and fellowship with God offers profound insights into the practice of worship. It teaches us the importance of seeking God’s presence and experiencing His boundless love and guidance in our worship. By cultivating an intimate relationship with God, we are transformed and empowered to live out our faith more passionately.

Entering God’s presence: In the Tabernacle, the holy of holies was the dwelling place of God’s presence. It was a sacred space where the high priest could enter once a year to experience the divine presence. Similarly, in our worship, we have the privilege of entering into God’s presence through prayer, meditation, and praise. It is in this place of communion that we encounter the fullness of His love and grace.


Experiencing His love and guidance: Just as the Israelites sought guidance from God in the Tabernacle, we too can experience His loving guidance in our worship. Through songs of praise, the reading and meditation of His Word, and the stillness of prayer, we open our hearts to receive His direction and wisdom. In this intimate connection with God, we find solace, peace, and the assurance of His unfailing love.

“In Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand, there are pleasures forevermore.” – Psalm 16:11

By continually seeking communion and fellowship with God in our worship, we develop an intimate relationship with Him. This relationship fuels our spiritual journey, providing us with the strength and guidance needed to navigate life’s challenges. It reminds us that worship is not merely a religious obligation but a transformative and life-giving encounter with our Creator.

How do the Urim and Thummim relate to the lessons on worship from the Tabernacle practices?

The functions of Urim and Thummim within the Tabernacle practices reveal a deeper connection to the lessons on worship. The use of these sacred tools for seeking guidance and making decisions reflects the importance of seeking spiritual clarity and divine direction in the act of worship.

Lessons on Worship from Community and Unity

One of the key lessons we can learn from the Tabernacle is the importance of gathering with fellow believers to worship.

In the Tabernacle, the community of Israel would come together to seek the presence of God, offering their sacrifices and prayers as one body. This teaches us the value of coming together as a community, united in our worship of God.

When we gather with fellow believers, we have the opportunity to build up the body of Christ and experience the power of unity.

Worshiping together creates an atmosphere of fellowship and mutual encouragement, where we can share our joys, burdens, and faith journeys. It reminds us that we are not alone in our pursuit of God, but part of a larger family.

Community in worship also allows us to learn from one another and grow spiritually. As we see different expressions of worship and hear testimonies of God’s faithfulness, our own faith is strengthened. We are inspired to deepen our relationship with God and encouraged to live out our faith more passionately.

By embracing community and unity in our worship, we reflect the true essence of the body of Christ. We become a living testimony of God’s love and grace, demonstrating to the world the power and beauty of worshiping Him as one body. Let us come together, support one another, and build the body of Christ through our worship.

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