Joining The Dots: Ephesians 1 – Keywords & Their Connections

Let's explore Ephesians chapter 1 and join the dots. See who's who and what's what and how they all associate with one another.

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Quick Overview:

TermRelated To
ChristGod, grace, glory, church, all things, heavenly places, inheritance, body
GodFather, Lord Jesus Christ, blessed, chosen, adoption, glory, will, purpose, inheritance
GraceGod, glory, accepted, beloved, riches, kindness, Christ
GloryGod, Christ, inheritance, church, power
InheritanceChrist, predestined, purpose, glory, saints, trust
Saintsfaithful, Christ Jesus, love, inheritance, glory
FaithLord Jesus, love, saints, gospel, salvation
Lovesaints, God, grace, adoption, Jesus Christ, faith
Salvationgrace, gospel, faith, believed, sealed, Holy Spirit
Holy Spiritpromise, believed, sealed, redemption, inheritance
Churchbody, Christ, fullness, all in all
These keywords and their associations provide a simplified map of the main themes in Ephesians 1, highlighting the interconnectedness of concepts such as God's grace, the role of Christ, and the purpose and identity of believers.

Christ Connections

Christ	God, grace, glory, church, all things, heavenly places, inheritance, body
  • God: Christ is central to God’s plan, revealing God’s nature and fulfilling His purposes.
  • Grace: Through Christ, God’s grace is given to believers, signifying unmerited favor.
  • Glory: Christ is the manifestation of God’s glory, and through Him, believers are called to live to the glory of God.
  • Church: Christ is the head of the Church, which is His body, connecting all believers to Him.
  • All Things: Christ’s lordship extends over all things, symbolizing His supreme authority.
  • Heavenly Places: Christ is seated in heavenly places, indicating His exalted position and authority.
  • Inheritance: Believers are co-heirs with Christ, sharing in the inheritance that God has promised.
  • Body: The Church is described as the body of Christ, showing a deep, mystical union between Christ and believers.
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God Connections

Father: God is referred to as the Father, denoting a relationship of care and authority.
  • Father: God is referred to as the Father, denoting a relationship of care and authority.
  • Lord Jesus Christ: God is intimately linked with Jesus, highlighting the divine nature of Christ.
  • Blessed: God is the source of all blessings, especially spiritual blessings in Christ.
  • Chosen: God has chosen believers in Christ before the foundation of the world.
  • Adoption: Through Jesus, believers are adopted into God’s family, reflecting a legal and relational change.
  • Glory: God’s glory is the ultimate end of all His works, including salvation.
  • Will: God’s will is accomplished in Christ, guiding the history and destiny of believers.
  • Purpose: God’s purpose in Christ is to unite all things and bring redemption.
  • Inheritance: God gives an inheritance to the saints, a share in His eternal kingdom.

Grace Benefits and Connections

  • God: God is the source of grace, which He freely gives to believers.
  • Glory: Grace leads to the glory of God, as it reflects His character and actions.
  • Accepted: Through grace, believers are accepted by God in the Beloved, which is Christ.
  • Beloved: Believers are loved by God, and this love is expressed through the grace found in Christ.
  • Riches: The riches of God’s grace are lavished on believers, indicating its abundance.
  • Kindness: God’s grace is an expression of His kindness, especially as shown in Christ.

Glory Connections

God: The glory of God is the ultimate revelation of His divine nature and attributes.
  • God: The glory of God is the ultimate revelation of His divine nature and attributes.
  • Christ: The glory of God is seen in the face of Christ, who is the image of the invisible God.
  • Inheritance: The glory of God is linked with the inheritance that awaits believers, showing the future glory they will share.
  • Church: The Church exists to bring glory to God, and it is the arena in which God’s glory is displayed.
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Inheritance Connections

Predestined: God has predestined the inheritance for believers, demonstrating His sovereign plan.
  • Christ: Believers’ inheritance is in Christ and secured by their union with Him.
  • Predestined: God has predestined the inheritance for believers, demonstrating His sovereign plan.
  • Purpose: The inheritance is part of God’s purpose, showing the destiny He has for believers.
  • Glory: The inheritance is glorious, reflecting the nature of the God who provides it.
  • Saints: The saints are the recipients of the inheritance, which is a part of their identity in Christ.
  • Trust: Believers come to trust in Christ and, as a result, secure their inheritance.

Saints Connections

Faithful: Saints are characterized by their faithfulness to Christ Jesus.
  • Faithful: Saints are characterized by their faithfulness to Christ Jesus.
  • Christ Jesus: Saints are in Christ Jesus, indicating a close relationship and identity.
  • Love: Saints are called to love, which is a mark of their transformation in Christ.
  • Inheritance: Saints look forward to an inheritance, which signifies their future hope.
  • Glory: The saints bring glory to God, living in a way that reflects His character.

Faith Connections

Lord Jesus: Faith is placed in the Lord Jesus, denoting trust in His person and work.
  • Lord Jesus: Faith is placed in the Lord Jesus, denoting trust in His person and work.
  • Love: Faith works through love, showing the ethical implications of trust in Jesus.
  • Saints: Faith characterizes the saints, indicating their belief and commitment to Christ.
  • Gospel: Faith comes from hearing the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ.
  • Salvation: Faith is essential for salvation, signifying reliance on God’s promise in Christ.

Love Connections

Love: Saints are called to love, which is a mark of their transformation in Christ.
  • Saints: Love is to be shown among the saints, reflecting the new life they have in Christ.
  • God: Love is a reflection of God’s nature, and believers are to imitate His love.
  • Grace: Love is a response to the grace received in Christ, demonstrating gratitude and recognition of God’s gift.
  • Adoption: Love is related to the adoption believers have received, which creates a family bond among God’s people.
  • Jesus Christ: Love is centered on Jesus Christ, who is the supreme example of love.
  • Faith: Love is an expression of faith, proving its genuineness and depth.
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Salvation Connections

Gospel: Faith comes from hearing the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ.
  • Grace: Salvation is by grace, emphasizing that it is an unearned gift from God.
  • Gospel: The gospel is the message of salvation, detailing the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Faith: Salvation is received through faith, signifying trust in God’s promise.
  • Believed: Salvation becomes effective when it is believed, marking the moment of personal acceptance.
  • Sealed: Those who are saved are sealed by the Holy Spirit, guaranteeing their salvation.
  • Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the agent of salvation, applying the work of Christ to the believer.

Holy Spirit Connections

Promise: The Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of God's promise, indicating His faithfulness.

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  • Promise: The Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of God’s promise, indicating His faithfulness.
  • Believed: The Holy Spirit is given to those who believe, marking them as God’s possession.
  • Sealed: The Holy Spirit seals believers, signifying security and authenticity of their faith.
  • Redemption: The Holy Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing redemption, showing the future aspect of salvation.
  • Inheritance: The Holy Spirit is connected to the inheritance, as a foretaste of what is to come.

Church Connections

Body: The Church is the body of Christ, showing its organic and living connection to Him.
  • Body: The Church is the body of Christ, showing its organic and living connection to Him.
  • Christ: The Church is united with Christ, indicating a close and enduring relationship.
  • Fullness: The Church is the fullness of Christ, meaning it is completed by Him and completes Him.
  • All in All: The Church exists so that Christ might be all in all, showing His preeminence and sovereignty in everything.

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