8 Times Jesus Promoted Peace Among People

Have you ever wondered how Jesus, with his teachings on love and mercy, continues to inspire harmony in our lives today?

Did you know that there are eight notable instances where Jesus explicitly promoted peace among people?

These moments reveal the depth of Jesus’ commitment to peace and challenge common beliefs about conflict and division. Let’s explore these instances and uncover the wisdom and guidance Jesus offers for finding peace in a chaotic world.

Throughout his life, Jesus consistently emphasized the importance of love, forgiveness, and compassion. His message transcends time and cultural boundaries, urging us to seek peace within ourselves and extend it to others.

Join us as we explore these eight remarkable examples, discovering the timeless relevance of Jesus’ teachings on peace, love, and mercy. Together, we can find inspiration and guidance for creating harmony in our lives and society today.

The Sermon on the Mount: Blessed Are the Peacemakers

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasizes the value of peacemakers, stating that they shall be called the children of God. This profound speech underscores the importance of working for peace and positions peacemakers as true representatives of divine principles.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Jesus’s teachings in the Sermon on the Mount serve as a guide for living a life of peace and righteousness. This iconic sermon, found in the Gospel of Matthew, contains Jesus’s most comprehensive teachings on various aspects of life, including peace and its significance in fostering harmony among people.

Jesus spoke to the multitudes, saying, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Through these words, Jesus elevates the role of peacemakers and highlights their connection to the divine nature. By actively promoting peace and reconciliation, peacemakers reflect God’s character and contribute to a more harmonious world.

The Sermon on the Mount covers a wide range of topics, addressing the ethical and moral principles that guide individuals and communities. Jesus’s teachings offer practical advice on forgiveness, love for enemies, and the pursuit of righteousness, all of which contribute to the establishment of lasting peace.

The phrase “blessed are the peacemakers” has resonated through the centuries, inspiring individuals and communities to strive for peace in their relationships, societies, and the world at large. Jesus’s words continue to remind us of our role in fostering unity, resolving conflicts, and spreading peace in our everyday lives.

Calming the Storm: Peace, Be Still

In a moment of chaos and fear, Jesus displays his control over nature by calming a storm. With a simple command of “Peace, be still,” Jesus instills peace, reminding us of the power of faith and tranquility even in the face of turmoil.

Calming the Storm

Mark 4:39 recounts the story of Jesus and his disciples caught in a violent storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee. As the waves crashed against the boat, the disciples, full of fear, woke Jesus, who was peacefully sleeping. Jesus arose, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still.”

This miraculous act of calming the storm not only demonstrated Jesus’ authority over nature but also manifested his ability to bring peace to even the most chaotic situations. The words “Peace, be still” carried a divine power that immediately stilled the wind and calmed the raging sea.

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, ‘Peace, be still.’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”
– Mark 4:39 (KJV)

This profound event served as a powerful lesson for the disciples and continues to resonate with us today. It reminds us that in the midst of life’s storms and challenges, we can find solace and peace through our unwavering faith in Jesus. Just as he calmed the raging sea with his authoritative words, he can bring peace and stillness to the storms in our own lives.

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The command “Peace, be still” is a testament to Jesus’ ability to bring tranquility to even the most tumultuous circumstances. It serves as a comforting reminder that no matter what storms we face, we can find peace and solace in our faith.

Jesus’ Teachings on Peace and Inner Calm

Throughout his ministry, Jesus consistently taught about the importance of peace and inner calm. He encouraged his followers to trust in God’s sovereignty and to let go of worry and fear. Jesus assured them that they could find true peace by seeking a personal relationship with God and placing their trust in Him.

In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus urges his disciples not to worry about their needs but to trust in God’s provision. He assures them that just as God cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, He will also provide for His children. Jesus ends this teaching by saying, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

This teaching highlights the importance of trusting in God’s faithfulness and relying on Him for our daily needs. By entrusting our worries and anxieties to God, we can experience a peace that surpasses understanding.

In another instance, Jesus offers a profound promise of peace in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This assurance of peace from Jesus reminds us that true peace is not found in external circumstances but is a gift that sustains our hearts and minds.

Jesus’ calming of the storm and his teachings on peace and inner calm inspire us to seek tranquility amid life’s challenges. Through faith in Jesus and by following his teachings, we can find a sense of peace that transcends the chaos of the world around us.

Key InsightSupporting Details
Jesus has the power to calm the storm.Mark 4:39 recounts the incident where Jesus commanded the wind and waves to be still, resulting in a great calm.
Jesus brings peace even in turbulent times.His words “Peace, be still” demonstrated his ability to instill peace amidst chaos, reminding us of the power of faith and tranquility.
Trust in God brings true peace.Jesus taught that by trusting in God’s provision and seeking His kingdom, we can experience a peace that surpasses understanding.
Peace is a gift from Jesus.Jesus promised to leave his peace with us, assuring us that his peace is different from what the world gives.

Commanding Peter to Put Away His Sword

When faced with imminent arrest, Jesus advocated for non-violence and taught that resorting to violence only perpetuates a cycle of harm. In a powerful act of peace, Jesus commanded Peter to put away his sword.

“Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)

This moment encapsulates Jesus’ unwavering commitment to non-violence and the transformative power of peace. By disarming Peter, Jesus not only demonstrated his own dedication to peace, but also emphasized the need for his disciples to follow the same path.

Jesus understood that responding to violence with violence only perpetuates a vicious cycle, leading to further harm and suffering. Instead, he sought to break this cycle by promoting love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

By commanding Peter to put away his sword, Jesus set an example for his followers, urging them to seek peaceful solutions even in the face of adversity. This teaching continues to resonate today, reminding us of the profound impact that choosing peace over violence can have on our lives and the world around us.

Through his words and actions, Jesus demonstrated that true strength lies not in wielding weapons, but in cultivating a spirit of love, compassion, and understanding.

Jesus’ Greeting of Peace to the Disciples

After his resurrection, Jesus appears before his disciples, who were gathered together in fear. He greets them with a message of peace, alleviating their fears and offering them comfort and reassurance.

In John 20:19, it is written:

“Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.”

Jesus’ greeting of peace brings a sense of calm and tranquility to the disciples who were filled with anxiety and uncertainty. His words carry power and reassurance, reminding them that they are not alone and that peace can prevail even in the midst of fear and turmoil.

Jesus' greeting of peace

This image depicts Jesus appearing to his disciples after his resurrection, extending his message of peace to them. It serves as a powerful visual representation of the moment described in John 20:19.

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Teaching Love for Enemies

Jesus introduced a revolutionary concept – loving one’s enemies. In Matthew 5:44, He instructs His followers to bless those who curse them, do good to those who hate them, and pray for those who despitefully use and persecute them. This teaching goes beyond personal grievances and promotes a peace that transcends boundaries and conflicts.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:43-45

By emphasizing the importance of loving even those who harm or oppose us, Jesus challenges us to break the cycle of animosity and seek reconciliation instead. This teaching embodies the principles of forgiveness, compassion, and understanding, offering a transformative path towards peace.

Jesus’ teaching on love for enemies invites us to transcend our own biases and grievances, fostering an environment of reconciliation, compassion, and unity. It reminds us that by choosing love and forgiveness over hatred and revenge, we can contribute to the creation of a more peaceful and harmonious world.

“But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” – Luke 6:35

Benefits of Teaching Love for Enemies

Teaching love for enemies provides several benefits in both personal and societal contexts. Here are some ways this teaching promotes peace and harmony:

  • Breaking the cycle of violence and revenge
  • Fostering empathy and understanding
  • Encouraging forgiveness and reconciliation
  • Creating opportunities for transformative relationships
  • Building bridges and promoting unity

By embracing Jesus’ teaching on love for enemies, individuals and communities can contribute to a more peaceful and compassionate world, where conflicts are resolved through understanding and forgiveness.

Teaching love for enemies

The Beatitudes: Advocating for Mercy and Peace

The Beatitudes, a part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, emphasize the importance of mercy and righteousness. Jesus teaches that those who are merciful will obtain mercy, promoting behaviors that foster harmony and peace among people.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” – Matthew 5:7

Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes highlight the transformative power of mercy. By showing compassion and forgiveness towards others, we create a ripple effect of kindness, paving the way for peace and understanding.

Throughout history, many have found solace and guidance in the Beatitudes, using them as a compass to navigate their interactions with others. The emphasis on mercy reminds us to approach conflicts and disagreements with empathy and a willingness to listen, promoting peaceful resolutions and fostering unity.

The Beatitudes
Blessed are the…For they…
Poor in spiritShall inherit the kingdom of heaven
MournShall be comforted
MeekShall inherit the earth
Hungry and thirsty for righteousnessShall be filled
MercifulShall obtain mercy
Pure in heartShall see God
PeacemakersShall be called the children of God
Persecuted for righteousness’ sakeFor theirs is the kingdom of heaven

As we reflect on the Beatitudes, we are reminded of the transformative power of mercy and how it can lead to peace in our own lives and the lives of those around us. By embodying these principles, we can foster a world that values forgiveness, compassion, and harmony.

Healing the Servant’s Ear

During his arrest, when a disciple cuts off the ear of the high priest’s servant, Jesus demonstrates his commitment to healing and peace by touching the servant’s ear and restoring it. Even in moments of betrayal and violence, Jesus shows that peace can prevail.

Healing the servant's ear
EventActions and Teachings of Jesus
Arrest of JesusWhen a disciple cuts off the ear of the high priest’s servant, Jesus immediately responds with compassion and healing by touching the servant’s ear and restoring it.

Encouraging Peace Within Oneself

Jesus offers a peace that is not dependent on external circumstances but is a gift that sustains the heart and mind. In John 14:27, he assures his followers that his peace is different from what the world gives, urging them not to be troubled or afraid.

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Jesus’ words in John 14:27 carry profound significance in encouraging peace within oneself. Today, as individuals navigate through the complexities and challenges of life, finding inner peace can be a transformative and empowering experience. It is a peace that surpasses worldly understanding.

The Gift of Peace

In a world often consumed by chaos, Jesus presents a unique concept of peace. It is a peace that goes beyond transient circumstances, offering solace and tranquility to those who seek it. This peace is not dependent on external factors such as wealth, success, or a trouble-free life; instead, it emerges from a deep connection with God and an unwavering faith.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27

These profound words from Jesus remind us that true peace comes from within and is a gift that can be embraced in any situation. It is a peace that offers comfort and strength amidst trials, enabling individuals to find solace and direction even when the world seems chaotic.

The Path to Inner Peace

Embracing peace within oneself requires a conscious effort to cultivate a harmonious inner landscape. Here are some practical steps:

  1. Embrace Stillness: Find moments of quiet reflection and meditation to calm the mind and nurture a sense of inner peace.
  2. Nurture Positive Thoughts: Cultivate a positive mindset, focusing on gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion towards oneself and others.
  3. Connect with Spiritual Practices: Engage in prayer, contemplation, or other spiritual practices that foster a deeper connection with God and promote inner peace.
  4. Practice Self-Care: Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being through activities that bring joy, relaxation, and balance to your life.
  5. Seek Support and Community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement, guidance, and support along your journey towards inner peace.

By incorporating these steps into your daily life and nurturing your relationship with God, you can experience the peace that surpasses all understanding – a peace that radiates from within and empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

Encouraging peace within oneself

Cultivating Peace for a Better World

Encouraging peace within oneself not only enhances personal well-being but also has a ripple effect on those around you. As you embody peace in your thoughts, words, and actions, you become an instrument of positive change, fostering harmony in your relationships, communities, and the world.

Let us remember Jesus’ words in John 14:27 and strive to cultivate peace within ourselves, sharing its transformative power with others. Through our collective efforts, we can contribute to creating a world where peace reigns, and love guides our interactions.

Benefits of Inner PeaceImpact on RelationshipsEffect on Well-being
Reduced stress and anxietyImproved communicationEnhanced emotional resilience
Increased clarity and focusDeeper empathy and understandingHeightened sense of self-acceptance
Greater sense of purpose and meaningStrengthened trust and connectionImproved overall life satisfaction


Throughout his life, Jesus consistently promoted peace, harmony, and love through his teachings and actions. His message of non-violence and compassion continues to inspire people today, urging us to strive for a more peaceful world.

By advocating for love and mercy, Jesus encouraged his followers to treat others with kindness and understanding. His teachings on loving one’s enemies and blessing those who persecute you promote forgiveness and reconciliation.

Jesus’ emphasis on peace can be seen in the Sermon on the Mount, where he declares that the peacemakers will be called the children of God. This highlights the importance of actively working towards peace and resolving conflicts peacefully.

Furthermore, Jesus demonstrated his commitment to peace by healing the servant’s ear and commanding Peter to put away his sword. These actions exemplify his belief in non-violence and his desire to break the cycle of harm.

The Beatitudes, a part of Jesus’ teachings, advocate for mercy and peace. By emphasizing the value of mercy, Jesus teaches his followers to foster harmony and compassion in their interactions with others.

Jesus’ teachings on peace and harmony remain relevant and powerful today. They serve as a reminder that promoting peace starts within ourselves and extends to our relationships with others. By following Jesus’ example and embracing his teachings, we can contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious world.

How Did Jesus Advocate for Peace in the Bible?

Jesus advocated for peace in the Bible by teaching love and forgiveness. He promoted god’s favor in peace moments through his own actions, such as turning the other cheek and blessing the peacemakers. Jesus preached that those who seek peace will be called children of God.


Here are the references for the passages mentioned in the article where Jesus promotes peace:

  1. Matthew 5:9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God
  2. Mark 4:39 – Peace, be still
  3. Matthew 26:52 – Put your sword back into its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword
  4. John 20:19 – Peace be with you
  5. Matthew 5:44 – Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you
  6. Matthew 5:7 – Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy
  7. Luke 22:51 – Permit even this
  8. John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid

These passages reflect Jesus’ teachings on promoting peace and highlight the significance of peace in our lives.

Jesus promoting peace

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27

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