10 Bible Examples: Add To Knowledge Temperance; And To Temperance Patience (2 Peter 1:6)

Certainly! Here are ten examples from the Bible where people or Bible stories demonstrate adding to their knowledge temperance and to temperance patience, based on 2 Peter 1:6:

  1. Joseph’s self-control in the face of temptation (Genesis 39:7-12): Joseph exhibited temperance by resisting Potiphar’s wife’s advances and maintaining self-control in the midst of temptation.
  2. Job’s patience and self-restraint in suffering (Job 1:20-22): Job demonstrated temperance by maintaining patience and self-control even in the midst of immense suffering and loss.
  3. David’s restraint in not harming Saul (1 Samuel 24:1-7): David exercised temperance by refraining from taking revenge on Saul, even though he had the opportunity to do so.
  4. Jesus’ patience and self-control during His trials (Matthew 26:63-68): Jesus displayed temperance by remaining silent and composed when falsely accused and enduring the physical and verbal abuse during His trials.
  5. Paul’s self-discipline and restraint in preaching the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:24-27): Paul used the metaphor of an athlete to illustrate the importance of temperance and self-discipline in his ministry, striving for the imperishable crown.
  6. The fruit of the Spirit, including self-control (Galatians 5:22-23): The Holy Spirit produces self-control as part of the fruit of the Spirit, emphasizing the importance of temperance in the life of a believer.
  7. The exhortation to exercise self-control in all things (1 Corinthians 9:25): Paul encourages believers to exercise self-control in all aspects of life, illustrating the significance of temperance in various areas.
  8. The discipline of the body and keeping it under control (1 Corinthians 9:27): Paul emphasizes the need for temperance by disciplining his body and keeping it under control, so that after preaching to others, he himself would not be disqualified.
  9. Jesus’ teaching on turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:38-42): Jesus teaches His followers to exercise patience and temperance by responding to personal insults or injuries with a non-retaliatory and forgiving spirit.
  10. Paul’s endurance and patience in tribulations (2 Corinthians 6:4-10): Paul describes his ministry, highlighting his perseverance, patience, and temperance in the midst of various challenges and tribulations.

These examples highlight the importance of adding temperance and patience to our knowledge. By exercising self-control, restraint, and patience in various situations, believers demonstrate the virtues of temperance and develop a character that reflects Christ.

10 Bible Example: Add To Knowledge Temperance; And To Temperance Patience (2 Peter 1:6)

In your journey of spiritual growth, it’s important to not only gain knowledge but also to develop temperance and patience. These virtues, as stated in 2 Peter 1:6, are essential in becoming a well-rounded and resilient believer.

The Bible is packed with stories and teachings that demonstrate the importance of temperance and patience – and when you reflect on them, they can provide you with valuable guidance and inspiration for your own life.

To help you explore these virtues more deeply, let’s dive into ten examples from the Bible that showcase the power of temperance and patience.

From Joseph’s self-control in the face of temptation to Jesus’ patience and self-control during His trials, these stories will remind you of the strength that comes from practicing self-discipline and restraint in even the most challenging situations.

As you absorb these lessons, you’ll be better equipped to grow in your faith and navigate the inevitable obstacles that life presents. Also see: 2 Peter Chapter 1 KJV- Dos and Don’ts

Key Takeaways

  • Developing self-control and patience are essential components of spiritual growth, as outlined in 2 Peter 1:6.
  • Bible stories and teachings provide valuable guidance and inspiration for cultivating these virtues, including examples from Joseph, Job, David, Jesus, and Paul.
  • Practicing self-control and patience can help believers navigate obstacles and grow stronger in their faith, but it is an ongoing process that requires seeking God’s guidance and strength.
  • Self-control complements other qualities like patience and temperance, and is crucial for maintaining a Christ-like demeanor in daily life, as illustrated in 1 Corinthians 9:25.
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Joseph’s self-control in the face of temptation (Genesis 39:7-12)

In the face of temptation, Joseph showed incredible self-control when approached by Potipar’s wife in Genesis 39:7-12.

He demonstrated the power of patience and temperance. Joseph was a handsome and well-built young man who caught the eye of his master’s wife.

However, instead of giving in to her advances, he chose to remain faithful to God and his master, Potipar.

Joseph’s decision to resist temptation was a clear demonstration of his inner strength and the values he held dear. This ultimately led to him being falsely accused and imprisoned.

Nevertheless, his unwavering commitment to what was right helped him maintain his integrity. As you reflect on this story, consider how Joseph’s example of self-control and patience can inspire you to cultivate these virtues in your own life.

When faced with difficult situations or temptations, remember Joseph’s steadfastness and turn to God for guidance and strength.

By practicing patience and temperance, you can grow stronger in your faith and better equipped to handle the challenges that life may throw your way.

Job’s patience and self-restraint in suffering (Job 1:20-22)

You can learn a lot from Job’s patience and self-restraint while enduring immense suffering, as he never cursed God or lost faith despite his trials (Job 1:20-22). Job lost his wealth, his children, and his health, yet he maintained his integrity and continued to worship God.

This remarkable display of self-restraint and patience teaches you the importance of trusting in God’s plan, even when life seems unbearable. It also demonstrates the value of temperance in times of great difficulty, as Job was able to remain steadfast in his faith and not let his emotions get the better of him.

In your own life, you may face challenges and sufferings that seem overwhelming and unfair. But by reflecting on Job’s story, you can find the strength to persevere and maintain your faith in God’s goodness.

Like Job, practice patience and self-restraint, knowing that God will ultimately bring you through your trials and reward your faithfulness.

By adding temperance and patience to your knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s adversities and grow stronger in your relationship with God.

David’s restraint in not harming Saul (1 Samuel 24:1-7)

Imagine facing your greatest enemy, having the perfect opportunity to take revenge, yet choosing to show restraint and mercy instead – that’s exactly what David did when he spared Saul’s life in 1 Samuel 24:1-7.

David’s actions clearly demonstrate the virtues of temperance and patience, as he refrained from harming Saul despite having every reason to do so.

In this story, David’s self-control not only saved his own life but also taught a valuable lesson about the importance of patience and restraint in difficult situations.

Let’s take a closer look at the events leading up to this encounter, and the emotions and decisions that David must have faced in the moment:

SituationDavid’s EmotionsDavid’s Decisions
Saul relentlessly pursued David to kill him.Fear, anger, and frustrationDavid fled and hid in various locations, including caves.
David and his men found themselves in the same cave as Saul.Surprise, tension, and anticipationDavid and his men remained hidden and quiet.
David had the opportunity to kill Saul while he was unaware.Temptation, conflict, and anxietyDavid chose to cut off a piece of Saul’s robe as evidence, but not to harm him.
David’s men urged him to kill Saul and seize power.Pressure, loyalty, and confusionDavid refused to kill Saul, stating that it was not his place to harm the Lord’s anointed.
David revealed himself to Saul and showed him the piece of the robe.Courage, vulnerability, and humilityDavid demonstrated his restraint and appealed to Saul’s conscience, leading to a temporary ceasefire.

By examining this table, we can see how David made a conscious decision to uphold the virtues of temperance and patience, even in the face of immense pressure and personal danger.

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His ability to exercise restraint and choose mercy over revenge ultimately led to a powerful moment of reconciliation and understanding between him and Saul.

In our own lives, may we strive to emulate David’s example and seek to cultivate patience and temperance in the face of adversity.

Jesus’ patience and self-control during His trials (Matthew 26:63-68)

Ever faced a situation where you’re falsely accused and mistreated, yet you choose to remain composed and silent? That’s what Jesus did during His trials in Matthew 26:63-68, showcasing incredible self-control and patience even in the face of extreme injustice.

As He stood before the high priest and other religious leaders, they sought false testimony against Him in order to put Him to death.

Despite the lies and accusations hurled at Him, Jesus chose to remain silent, not giving in to the temptation to defend Himself or retaliate against His accusers.

In this powerful example, Jesus demonstrates the importance of exercising patience and self-control, even when it seems like the world is against you.

He knew that His mission was far greater than the immediate circumstances, and He chose to endure the suffering and humiliation for the sake of humanity’s salvation.

Next time you find yourself in a tough situation, remember the example of Jesus and strive to exercise patience and self-control, knowing that God has a greater plan in store for you.

Paul’s self-discipline and restraint in preaching the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Paul showcases remarkable self-discipline and restraint while preaching the gospel, emphasizing the importance of staying focused on our spiritual goals and not getting sidetracked by earthly distractions.

He uses the analogy of an athlete in a race, who competes for a prize and exercises self-control in all aspects of life to ensure victory.

Paul reminds us that, like athletes, we too must practice self-discipline and self-control to achieve our spiritual goals, stating, “I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.”

As you read Paul’s words, consider how you can apply the same principles of self-discipline and restraint in your own life. Strive to resist the temptations and distractions of the world and focus on your relationship with God and your spiritual growth.

Like Paul, be willing to make sacrifices and practice self-control in all aspects of your life, so that you too can run the race of faith with endurance and ultimately receive the eternal prize that God has prepared for those who love Him.

Remember, as Peter said, to add to your knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience (2 Peter 1:6), as these qualities will help you to live a life of self-discipline and commitment to the cause of Christ.

The fruit of the Spirit, including self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)

It’s crucial to recognize that self-control is an essential component of the fruit of the Spirit, as mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.

This also includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness. The fruit of the Spirit is a reflection of God’s character, which should be evident in the life of every believer.

As you grow in your relationship with God, these qualities should become increasingly evident in your life. Self-control is particularly important, as it allows you to resist temptation and live in a manner that is pleasing to God.

Developing self-control and the other aspects of the fruit of the Spirit is an ongoing process. It’s important to continually seek God’s guidance and strength as you strive to exemplify these characteristics in your life.

As you cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, you’ll find that self-control complements the other qualities, such as patience and temperance, and helps you maintain a Christ-like demeanor in your daily life.

Remember, self-control is not just about your own willpower, but also about relying on the Holy Spirit to work within you and transform your heart and mind.

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The exhortation to exercise self-control in all things (1 Corinthians 9:25)

As you strive to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in your life, remember that self-control is a key component of this spiritual growth.

Alongside love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness, self-control plays a crucial role in your spiritual journey.

In fact, the Apostle Paul exhorts believers to exercise self-control in all aspects of their lives. In 1 Corinthians 9:25, Paul uses the metaphor of an athlete competing in a race to illustrate the importance of self-control for Christians.

Just as an athlete disciplines their body and mind in order to win the prize, so too must you exercise self-control in your walk with Christ.

As you strive to grow in your faith, consider these three key areas where self-control is vital:

  • In your thoughts: Guard your mind against negative, impure, or harmful thoughts, and instead focus on what’s true, noble, and pure (Philippians 4:8).
  • In your words: Use your speech to build up and encourage others, rather than tearing them down or causing discord (Ephesians 4:29).
  • In your actions: Make choices that honor God and reflect the character of Christ, resisting the temptations that the world presents (Romans 12:1-2).

By exercising self-control in these areas, you’ll not only strengthen your own faith but also become a powerful example and encouragement to others on their spiritual journey.

The discipline of the body and keeping it under control (1 Corinthians 9:27)

You might be wondering how to maintain self-control in your daily life, and 1 Corinthians 9:27 offers valuable guidance on this topic. The apostle Paul writes, “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”

This verse reminds us to be mindful of our actions and to exercise self-discipline in order to live a life that aligns with our values and beliefs.

By keeping our bodies and minds under control, we can be better prepared to face temptations and make choices that honor God and benefit ourselves.

To put this scripture into practice, consider setting personal boundaries and sticking to them. This may include limiting your exposure to certain forms of entertainment, avoiding unhealthy habits, or dedicating time to prayer and meditation.

Additionally, surround yourself with supportive and like-minded friends who can encourage you in your pursuit of self-control. Finally, remember to seek God’s help through prayer, asking for strength and wisdom in maintaining discipline.

By taking these steps, you’ll be well on your way to living a life of temperance and patience, as instructed in 2 Peter 1:6.

Jesus’ teaching on turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:38-42)

In Matthew 5:38-42, Jesus teaches a powerful lesson on responding to mistreatment with grace and nonviolence. He urges us to ‘turn the other cheek’ when confronted with hostility.

Rather than retaliating or escalating the situation, Jesus encourages us to demonstrate restraint and patience, exemplifying the virtue of temperance.

By following this teaching, we not only avoid contributing to the cycle of violence and harm, but also set an example for others to follow, potentially inspiring a more peaceful and compassionate response.

To put this teaching into practice, consider these three steps:

  1. Reflect on your emotions and reactions: When faced with a hostile or challenging situation, take a moment to pause, breathe, and assess your feelings. This will help you avoid reacting impulsively and can create space for a more measured and tempered response.
  2. Choose nonviolent actions: Rather than retaliating with aggression or violence, seek ways to respond with kindness, understanding, or even silence. This might mean offering a kind word, walking away, or finding a peaceful solution to the issue at hand.
  3. Practice forgiveness and empathy: Recognize that everyone makes mistakes and can act out of anger or frustration. By choosing to forgive and empathize with those who have wronged us, we cultivate patience and foster an environment where healing and growth can occur.

Paul’s endurance and patience in tribulations (2 Corinthians 6:4-10)

When facing trials and hardships, consider the endurance and patience demonstrated by Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10. He persevered through various tribulations, yet remained steadfast in his faith and commitment to spreading the gospel.

Paul faced a multitude of challenges, including imprisonment, beatings, and even near-death experiences. Despite these obstacles, he never wavered in his devotion to God and his mission to share the message of salvation.

As a servant of God, Paul displayed patience and endurance by working through sleepless nights, hunger, and poverty while maintaining an unwavering focus on his divine calling.

In your own life, try to emulate Paul’s example of patience and endurance in the face of adversity. Whenever you find yourself in difficult situations, remember that God is with you and will provide the strength and resilience you need to persevere.

As you strive to remain steadfast in your faith, you will experience spiritual growth, just as Paul did.

By focusing on the lessons learned from Paul’s experiences, you can add to your knowledge temperance and patience, as instructed in 2 Peter 1:6, and ultimately become a stronger, more resilient follower of Christ.


In conclusion, you’ve seen how the Bible provides numerous examples of individuals exercising self-control, patience, and restraint in various situations. These stories serve as powerful reminders for you to strive for the same virtues in your own life.

Remember to practice self-control in all aspects of your life, just as Jesus, Paul, David, and others did. By following their examples, you’ll not only grow spiritually but also improve your relationships and overall well-being.

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