7 Lessons from Receiving the Lord with Great Joy (Matthew 28:8)

Have you ever thought about how to find deeper joy in your faith journey? Is there a way to make your relationship with the Lord bring more happiness?

The secret is in receiving the Lord with great joy. We learn this from a powerful story in Matthew 28:8. It teaches us how joy can change our lives.

This article will show you seven lessons from the Bible. These lessons can change your faith journey and bring more joy. Together, we’ll see how receiving the Lord with great joy can change everything.

The Joy of the Resurrection

Feel the joy the women felt at hearing Jesus had risen. In Matthew 28:8, we learn how this news changed them. It filled them with awe, deep respect, and a joy beyond words.

The women closely followed Jesus and were sad by His crucifixion. Learning He rose changed their sorrow to joy. This happiness was strong and lasting, untouched by anything.

Picture how the word of Jesus’ resurrection spread. These faithful, sorrowful women gained new awe and purpose. They now saw Jesus as the true Son of God, feeling a deep respect for Him.

Their joy was mixed with awe and respect, understanding the resurrection’s big impact. They knew it was vital for everyone. This deep realization made their joy strong and lasting.

Their joy was not superficial, but a profound expression of their faith and belief in the power and victory of Jesus over death and sin.

Think about how Jesus’ resurrection can change your life. Mingle profound joy with your faith. Let the truth of Jesus’ resurrection move you, filling you with awe and deep joy.

To fully embrace this joy, think about sharing it. Let your joy shine, leading others to Jesus’ life-changing victory. Your joy and testimony can bring hope to many.

As we move forward in faith, hold onto the resurrection’s joy. It assures our hope, forgives our sins, and promises eternity. Let the resurrection’s joy fill you, changing your life and encouraging you to tell others the good news.

Related Bible Verses:

  • Matthew 28:8 – “So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.”
  • Luke 24:41 – “And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, ‘Do you have anything here to eat?'”

Joy in Salvation

Salvation is key in the Christian life. It fills us with inner joy and freedom. The psalmist said in Psalm 51:12, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.” This verse shows joy’s role in our faith and its power to change us.

God’s salvation is more than a one-time thing. It’s a lifelong journey. We live in the freedom of being saved by continually giving our lives to God. This leads to joy because we know our sins are forgiven and we’re right with God.

To keep this joy, we need to grow our relationship with God every day. This means praying, reading the Bible, and feeling God’s presence. A strong focus on God helps us keep joyful even when life is hard.

Here’s how to feel the joy of salvation even more:

  1. Express gratitude: Be thankful every day for God’s saving grace and the joy it brings. Thankfulness helps us see His love better.
  2. Pray for joy: Pray to God to make you joyful. Ask for guidance to keep seeing life with joy.
  3. Engage in worship: Singing and praising God reminds us of salvation’s incredible value. This can bring great joy.
  4. Share your testimony: Talking about how God has been faithful and saved you brings joy. It also helps other believers.

“The joy of salvation comes from our relationship with the Savior, not from our situation.”

Putting God first brings great change. The joy of salvation will affect every part of your life. This includes how you relate to others, what you feel, and how you see the world.

Remember, our joy comes from knowing God, not from what’s happening around us. It’s a gift for all who believe. So, let this joy be your strength, hope, and freedom as you walk with God.

Joy in Salvation

Benefits of Joy in Salvation Steps to Experience Joy in Salvation
1. Inner peace 1. Express gratitude
2. Assurance of forgiveness 2. Pray for joy
3. Strength in trials 3. Engage in worship
4. Freedom from sin 4. Share your testimony

Joy in the Presence of the Lord

Welcome to a journey into the joy of being with the Lord. Psalm 16:11 tells us, “You show me the path of life. Being with you brings complete joy. At your right hand, there are pleasures forever.” Seeking God’s presence fills us with joy and eternal pleasures. Let’s explore this amazing truth.

When we look for God in our lives, we change deeply. Being with Him brings joy that doesn’t depend on what’s happening. It fills us with happiness that lasts. In God’s presence, our souls are truly satisfied. He is the source of all joy.

To find God, we must have an open heart. We can set time aside each day to talk to Him, think about His words, and let them sink in. When we share our thoughts with Him, His joy fills us. Our worries get lighter in His presence.

Just like being with family makes us happy, being with God does too. It’s in this close relationship that we feel calm, supported, and know our purpose. God’s love for us is so big, it’s hard to understand. But we can feel it in our hearts, bringing us unexplainable joy.

Focusing on God’s presence changes everything in our lives. His joy lights up our way, helping us in good times and bad. The joy found in God’s presence is deep and lasting. It comes from knowing we are deeply loved by our Creator.

While we enjoy being with the Lord now, it also leads to forever happiness. This happiness never ends. It comes from a strong, lasting relationship with God. There, we find true meaning and fulfillment. In God’s presence, we gain the greatest treasures of life.

In the end, joy with the Lord is for everyone who looks for Him. Growing our bond with God and making time for Him brings joy that changes us. Let His joy fill you and change your life. Enjoy the lasting happiness and treasures God has for you.

Joy in God’s Word

Embrace the joy from God’s word. Jeremiah 15:16 says, “Your words were found, and I ate them, making my heart glad.” This shows how reading God’s word brings joy and transforms hearts.

Reading and thinking about God’s word shows us joy and truth. It is how God talks to us, helping and guiding us. In the Bible, we see God’s promises, His wise ways, and the hope that holds us together.

“The precepts of the LORD are right, making the heart happy; the commandment of the LORD is pure, giving light to the eyes.”
(Psalm 19:8)

Reading God’s word fills our hearts with joy. We learn about God’s love and His plan for us. The Bible can uplift and change us.

Let the Bible’s words bring joy deep into your heart. The joy from God’s word is lasting and truly satisfies.

The Transforming Power of God’s Word

God’s word changes our hearts and minds. It shows us who God really is and how much He loves us.

  • It shows us when we do wrong and need a Savior.
  • It heals broken hearts and spirits.
  • The promises it holds give us hope in hard times.
  • It leads us to make right choices.
  • It proves God’s love and trustworthiness.
  • It gives comfort and strength in tough times.

God’s word can transform our lives and bring lasting joy. It’s not just old stories but a living word for us today.

Personal Reflection

When you read God’s word, think about what brings you the most joy. Is there a verse that always lifts you up? Commit those verses to memory for when you need encouragement.

Let God’s word bring joy to all parts of your life. Use it as a light in dark times and a foundation for your faith.

Spend time every day with God’s word. It will bring joy, hope, and change to your heart.

Joy in God's Word

Benefits of Joy in God’s Word Transforming Hearts
Brings lasting happiness Renews our minds
Offers comfort and encouragement Shapes our desires
Guides us in making godly decisions Brings healing to broken hearts
Reveals God’s love and faithfulness Exposes our sinfulness and need for a Savior

Joy in Fellowship

Find joy in fellowshipping with other believers and God. 1 John 1:3-4 says, “We share what we’ve seen and heard to have fellowship with you. Our fellowship is with the Father and Jesus. This makes our joy complete.”

Meeting with others who believe is special. It lets us share, encourage, and grow together. United by love for Christ, we find joy and know our place.

Talking to God with others deepens our happiness. In their company, we freely share our lives. We listen, understand, and support each other, making our joy full.

“Fellowship is key in our Christian journey. It helps us face life with joy. And, it draws us nearer to God and each other.” – [Author Name]

Your joy grows as you fellowship. This might happen through talks, worship, or helping others. Look for ways to connect with fellow believers and unite your community.

It’s also vital to be close to God. Prayer and worship bring a joy beyond words. Knowing God intimately gives us comfort, power, and deep joy.

Make fellowship a top goal in your faith walk. Join groups, go to church, and have heart-to-heart talks. This helps you and others grow in faith.

“Being with God and believers is a priceless gift. It reminds us of our shared goal and gives us deep joy.” – [Author Name]

Don’t keep your fellowship joy to yourself. Share it. Spread God’s love and joy. Connect with those in need and support each other in faith.

Joy in Fellowship

Embracing Fellowship in Action:

Here’s how to make fellowship stronger in your community:

  1. Start prayer and study groups to share and learn together.
  2. Help the community and work with others to support the needy.
  3. Talk with believers about their faith journeys and lift them up.
  4. Open your home to share meals, fellowship, and pray.
  5. Join in celebrating each other’s life moments and joys.

Building a close community takes work. But, it brings unmatched joy and growth. Commit to fellowship with believers and God. May your joy and faith only grow.

Joy in Trials

Trials and temptations are a part of life, but they also offer chances to find joy. In James 1:2-3, we’re told to think of trials as something that can make us happy. They help us become more patient and grow our faith. Seeing trials as chances for happiness means we can find joy in them.

Trials give us the chance to learn patience. Patience isn’t just about waiting out hard times. It’s a trait that lets us stay strong and positive when things are tough. Through patience, we build the strength to deal with future troubles.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” – James 1:2-3

Moreover, trials can make our faith stronger. They push us to rely on God’s power, not just our own. This can deepen our trust in God’s plans and grow our faith significantly. Facing trials shows us the power of God working in our lives.

Opportunities for Joy in Trials Results
1. Turning to God in times of trials Developing a closer relationship with Him and experiencing His faithfulness.
2. Finding comfort in the community of believers Gaining support, encouragement, and the realization that we are not alone in our struggles.
3. Discovering inner strength and resilience Gaining a deeper understanding of our own capabilities and realizing the power of God working within us.

It’s key to find joy in tough times.
Try learning from the challenges, feel God’s presence, and lean on friends from church. By this, you can see God’s love and power changing your life even in hard times.

Choosing joy in trials helps us feel the amazing effect of God’s love and care. We grow a faith that’s very strong and gives us power even in the dark times.

Think about times when you faced trials. What did you learn about joy and faith? How can you find joy in tough times going forward? Remember, our happiness doesn’t depend on what happens but on how we see things and trust in God.

Joy in Trials

Key Takeaways:

  • Trial and temptations present opportunities for joy by developing patience and strengthening our faith.
  • Patience allows us to remain steadfast and hopeful in the face of challenges.
  • Trials deepen our faith and foster a greater trust in God’s plans for our lives.
  • Intentionally finding joy amidst trials involves focusing on positive lessons, acknowledging God’s presence, and seeking support from the community.

Joy in the Holy Spirit

Finding joy in your spiritual journey is key. As Romans 14:17 says, “The kingdom of God is not about food or drink. It is about the righteousness, peace, and joy the Holy Spirit brings.

Thinking about this verse, we understand. The joy in the Holy Spirit comes with righteousness and peace. It’s the Holy Spirit’s work that brings us real joy.

The Holy Spirit boosts your joy in many ways. It helps you live right and grow your faith. This way, your joy is not tied to what’s happening around you.

Letting the Holy Spirit guide you leads to a deeper joy. It fills your heart with joy, even when faced with challenges.

Letting the Holy Spirit into your life opens you to a unique joy. This joy doesn’t fade like the world’s happiness does. It lasts forever.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”

– Nehemiah 8:10

When you focus on the Holy Spirit, joy naturally comes from your faith. The Spirit strengthens you and fills you with overflowing joy.

This joy acts like a river, reaching to others. Your joy shows how powerful God’s love is.

Allowing the Holy Spirit to Increase Your Joy

Want more joy every day? Here are some steps:

  1. Prayer and Surrender: Talk to the Holy Spirit. Give your thoughts and worries to Him. Ask for His joy and guidance.
  2. Gratitude and Praise: Be thankful and praise God. Enjoy and thank Him for all His blessings.
  3. Reading and Meditating on Scripture: Read the Bible daily. Think deeply about its messages on joy.
  4. Worship and Fellowship: Join others to worship. Take part in activities that grow your spirit and community.

Remember, the Holy Spirit’s joy is not tied to what’s happening outside. It’s a gift from God for every moment. Through the Holy Spirit, you can find joy that lasts, not just quick happiness.

Let the Holy Spirit increase your joy. Enjoy the peace and righteousness that come with it. Let your joy affect your life and everyone around you.

Key Aspect Righteousness Peace
Definition The state of being morally right and aligned with God’s standards. A state of tranquility and harmony, free from conflict and turmoil.
Role Enables us to live in accordance with God’s will and experience His favor. Allows us to rest in God’s presence and trust in His sovereignty.
Benefits Brings a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment with God’s kingdom. Calms our hearts, brings inner peace, and fosters healthy relationships.

Conclusion: Cultivating a Life of Joyful Receiving

Throughout this article, we’ve explored how receiving the Lord with joy leads to deep happiness. We looked at Matthew 28:8 and other bible parts. From them, we learned seven key lessons that can change your faith journey.

The women in Matthew 28:8 show us how to embrace resurrection joy. This joy brings awe and a fresh happiness in the Lord’s presence. The happiness from salvation, seen in Psalm 51:12, is vital for Christians. It brings inner joy and sets us free. We must work to keep this joy every day.

Cultivating a Life of Joyful Receiving

Psalm 16:11 tells us about joy in God’s presence. This joy enriches us with lasting pleasure. Jeremiah 15:16 highlights the happiness from God’s word, and 1 John 1:3-4 talks about the joy of fellowship.

James 1:2-3 shows that joy can even be found in hard times.

“Joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17) is a vital part of God’s kingdom. It is tied to righteousness and peace. Letting the Holy Spirit grow our joy leads to a life filled with God’s joy and presence.

Finally, fostering a joy-filled life is a continual journey. Applying these lessons will help you welcome joy and its power. Share how joy has impacted your walk with others. Encouraging them helps spread a life full of joy.

And remember, joy is more than a feeling—it’s a lasting condition. Keep embracing the joy of the Lord in your journey.

Additional Resources for Deepening Your Joyful Faith

Here are some great resources to help build joyful faith. These include books, podcasts, and more. They offer insights, advice, and stories to help you on your journey.


  1. The Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis – Pope Francis talks about a joyful Christian faith. He shows how the Gospel message brings happiness.
  2. Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill by Matthieu Ricard – Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk and scientist, explores happiness and spirituality in his book.
  3. The Power of Joy: How the Deliberate Pursuit of Pleasure Can Heal Your Life by Christiane Northrup – This book shows how joy can transform our lives. It teaches us how to bring more joy into our days.


  • Joyce Meyer Ministries Podcast – Joyce Meyer talks about joy from a biblical perspective. She shares wisdom for leading a joyful life.
  • Desiring God Podcast – John Piper dives into the search for joy in God. He talks about the happiness from following God’s path.
  • The Happy Home Podcast – Arlene Pellicane offers tips and inspiration for a happy home. She uses biblical wisdom and real-life stories.

Spiritual Materials

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

– Henri Nouwen

The Bible is full of promises of joy and God’s Word’s power. Here are some great places to start:

  • Psalm 16:11 tells us God shows us the way to true life. In His presence, there’s complete joy.
  • Galatians 5:22-23 shares the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, and more. These are gifts from God.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 encourages us: Be happy always. Pray and give thanks, for this is God’s will for you.

Deepening your faith is a personal adventure. Use these resources to help you find joy in welcoming the Lord. Explore with an open mind and heart. This journey is about discovering the joy of faith.

deepening your joyful faith

Acknowledging and Overcoming Obstacles to Joy

The pursuit of joy in our faith journey is challenging. Many face obstacles that stop them from feeling joy in their faith. It’s key to deal with these hurdles. This way, we can enjoy the happiness available through our faith.

Doubt can dim our joy. When we question God’s promises, we lose happiness in our faith. To beat this, we must work on our faith. We can do this by praying, reading the Bible, and talking to those we trust.

“Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.” – Paul Tillich

Fear might stop us from being joyful. Fear of the unknown or of failing can hold us back. To fight fear, we must understand it and turn to God’s love. His love can ease all fears.

Feeling unworthy makes joy hard to accept. Believing we don’t deserve God’s love makes it hard to be happy. Yet, our worth comes from God’s love and grace, not our actions. Letting go of feeling unworthy lets us find joy and feel approved.

Practical Tips to Overcome Obstacles to Joy

Here’s how to beat obstacles and let joy into your life:

  1. Be thankful: Regularly thank God for what you have. This helps you see the good, not what’s missing.
  2. Stay positive: Fill your life with uplifting things. This could be through reading, listening, or being with positive people.
  3. Join a community: Find a group of believers for support and friendship. Sharing with them brings more joy.
  4. Think positively: Focus on the good. Think about God’s promises and stop negative thoughts from taking over your mind.
  5. Pray for joy: Ask God for happiness. Trust Him to help you through hard times and lead you to more joy.

By facing and working through these obstacles, we can truly find joy. Remember, joy is more than just a feeling. It’s a deep peace from faith in God. With hard work and faith, we can overcome anything. Then, we can enjoy the joy God has for us.

Overcoming obstacles to joy

Inspiring Testimonies of Joyful Receiving and Transformation

On your faith journey, hearing how people’s lives have changed brings hope. These stories remind us of the joy waiting for those who welcome God. Each story is a light showing the way to a happier, more complete life.

Sarah’s story is a powerful one. She felt lost, but when she welcomed Jesus, her life turned around. Her example shows the happiness that comes from letting God in.

Mark’s life was heavy with shame before he found peace in God’s love. When God lifted his guilt, Mark found true joy. His story teaches us that only God can bring lasting happiness.

These tales show how much lasting joy can do. They inspire us to continually welcome God’s joy for a lifelong change. Let them encourage you in your own journey towards joy and transformation.