5 Reasons to be Lovers of Good Men and Good Things (Titus 1:8)

Do you wish for a life filled with divine favor, blessings, and wisdom? If yes, it’s time to become lovers of good men and good things. The teachings from Titus 1:8 show us why this choice really matters. It can change your life in great ways.

What does loving good men and good things mean? And why should you aim to be like this?

Here, we will find out the answers. We’ll see the strong link between living a virtuous life and getting divine favor, blessings, and wisdom. Let’s explore the five big reasons why this choice is not just good, but really necessary for a life full of purpose.

Lovers of Good Men and Good Things

Promotes Righteous Living

Focusing on good things helps us act righteously. This idea comes from Philippians 4:8. Here, the Apostle Paul advises Christians to think about true, honorable, and pure things.

Choosing to think positively changes how we see the world. We aim to live by the good principles in the Bible. This fills our lives with righteousness.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things.” – Philippians 4:8

think about true, honorable, and pure things

This way of life leads to personal growth. It forms our character, making us people of honor, kindness, and compassion. We begin to make choices that please God and bring happiness to others.

Living righteously is hard in today’s world. Many things try to distract us. But if we focus on what’s good, we build a strong, positive habit. This habit influences every part of our lives for the better.

We can become lights in a world of darkness. By living virtuously, we show others the true power of goodness. Our actions show more than our words ever could.

Promotes Righteous LivingPhilippians 4:8
Encourages virtuous and righteous behaviorFocusing on whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy
Leads to personal growth and transformationShapes our character, molding us into individuals who embody the qualities of integrity, kindness, and compassion
Inspires others with our virtuous behaviorLeads by example, demonstrating the transformative power of righteousness
become lights in a world of darkness

Encourages Positive Relationships

Being around good people helps you be wiser and better. Proverbs 13:20 says, “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” This wise saying teaches us how important it is to pick our friends carefully.

Living life among morally good people creates a positive world. Being with those who show honesty and kindness can make you feel better. This can help you become a better person and feel good about yourself.

Surrounding yourself with kind and wise people brings many benefits. They can give you good advice and help you when you’re down. They set a good example for how to live well. You can learn from these habits and build better friendships with others.

Walk with the wise and become wise

In Jim Rohn’s words, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Choosing to be with good friends creates strong and valuable relationships.

Good relationships are built on trust and respect. Hanging out with people who support and practice goodness makes everyone feel safe and respected. This makes friendships stronger and longer lasting.

Benefits of Positive Relationships

be a positive friend

Having good relationships in your life is really beneficial:

  • They support you emotionally when life is hard.
  • They inspire you to be better and achieve more.
  • They encourage you to follow your dreams.
  • They offer chances to work and learn together.
  • They form a group of people who truly care about you.

These positive friendships make you happier and more successful. They make you want to be the best you can be.

By choosing to be around good people, you help others see how positive relationships can make a difference. Your example can inspire others to choose their friends wisely, too.

Choosing good friendships doesn’t just impact you but those around you. Your positive choices can spread goodness and inspire others to do good.

encourages positive relationships

 Positive RelationshipsNegative Relationships
CharacteristicsTrust, respect, shared valuesDysfunction, lack of trust, conflicting values
Emotional ImpactSupport, encouragement, joyStress, tension, negativity
InfluencePositive growth, inspirationNegative habits, toxic behaviors
OutcomesPersonal and professional successStagnation, setbacks, missed opportunities

The table shows how different positive and negative relationships are. By choosing good friends and living well, you walk a path of happiness and growth. This leads to strong, positive relationships in your life.

Reflects God’s Nature

Doing good connects us to God’s nature and His plans. We aim to show His qualities and follow what He says. Psalm 37:3 says, “Trust the Lord and do good; live in the land and enjoy safe pastures.”

This verse shows that by doing good, we act like God and fulfill His wishes. We show kindness, love, and righteousness, revealing God’s nature through our actions.

When our actions show God’s nature, we honor Him and light up the world. Our kindness and compassion prove His love, guiding others to Him.

Trust the Lord and do good

Your conduct should reflect your love for good men and good things.

Being good brings us closer to God, opening the door to His blessings. The Bible promises blessings for those who follow Him.

Doing good changes us with the Holy Spirit’s help. Our hearts mature spiritually, understanding more about God’s plans for us.

Choosing to be good changes how we see the world. We spot chances to help, comfort, and support others like God does.

Our good actions bring growth and change personally and influence others. The reach and effect of our good deeds are greater than we know.

Let’s focus on doing good, loving good people and things, and reflect God’s nature in all we do. This is how we live out His will and spread His love and kindness.

Ways in which doing good reflects God’s natureBenefits of reflecting God’s nature through our actions
Showing love and kindnessExperiencing personal growth and transformation
Extending mercy and forgivenessBeing a positive influence in the lives of others
Seeking justice and righteousnessBringing glory to God and drawing others closer to Him

Brings Blessings and Favor

Doing good always leads to blessings from God. Galatians 6:9 tells us this. It says we get blessings when we love good men and things.

let us not grow weary of doing good

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

Living a virtuous life is key to this. It shows our faith and dedication. And, it brings God’s blessings and favor to us.

Along our journey, we meet challenges. Galatians 6:9 says not to get tired of doing good. Kindness and love draw us closer to God’s blessings.

In a sometimes dark world, our good acts shine as hope. They inspire others toward goodness and righteousness. It’s a life centered on love and kindness.

Choosing goodness makes us agents of change. Our good deeds influence those around us. This leads to blessings in our communities and beyond.

Let’s stick to Galatians 6:9’s teachings. Keep doing good despite challenges. This way, we welcome God’s big blessings in our lives.

Brings Blessings and Favor

Blessings of consistently doing goodGod’s favor through acts of kindness
1. Inner peace and fulfillment1. Divine protection
2. Positive impact on others2. Opportunities and open doors
3. Strengthened relationships3. Provision and abundance
4. Joy and contentment4. Guidance and wisdom
5. A life aligned with God’s purpose5. Eternal rewards

Doing good brings more than just blessings. It helps us know God’s favor and goodness. As we love good things, let’s stay strong in Galatians 6:9. Keep spreading goodness and kindness.

Keep your light shining

Sets a Godly Example

Loving good men and good things shows others how to glorify God. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others.” This means by doing good, you help others praise God who’s in heaven. Living virtuously and keeping good company makes you a light for others to look up to.

Showing love to good people encourages them to live righteously. Your actions are more powerful than words. Choosing kindness, honesty, and compassion speaks volumes. You can lead people to follow a good, God-centered path just by how you live your own life.

Leading by example doesn’t just affect you, it impacts the world around you. By choosing good, you inspire others to do the same. Seeing the positive change in your life can motivate others to praise God too. This causes a chain reaction, making society a better place.

Loving what’s good isn’t just about you, it’s about showing others how to live for God. Following Matthew 5:16 makes you a change-maker. Keep your light shining. It’ll push others onto a path of goodness and light.